Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Our Day

This may look like just a regular (...perfectly crafted, sent from heaven...) Swig sugar cookie, but today, it's much more than that--it's a "we-met-three-years-ago-today!!" cookie that Chris surprised me with when he got home from work! Is that so crazy weird that we met each other three years ago? Or is it more crazy weird that we still celebrate the day we met? Even if it is crazy weird, I'm okay with it, because Chris surprised me with food + we celebrated by finishing How I Met Your Mother (I hated the ending a lot bit. Anybody else?!). Also, what a fitting series to celebrate how you met someone, right?! ..... is this attempt to make watching TV together sound romantic working? 

In all seriousness though, I did have intentions of getting up early and carrying on the tradition of making bacon hearts for our "We met each other three years ago today!" day, but somehow sleep and cuddling with Chris took priority this year. I also had the cute idea to have us recreate our first date and make dinner and play games, but we didn't have chicken or broccoli or anything else that we ate on our first date. So crock pot mac n' cheese it was! 

It's crazy to me that it was only three years ago that I met Chris--feels like we've been together forever! But at the same time, it feels like just yesterday that I was crying before our date because I really didn't want to go out with Chris (or anyone at that time), and that Chris picked me up at my parent's in the "snow bunny" white car. If I think about it long enough, I can still get some of those butterflies I got from when Chris touched my knee while we played Apples to Apples with the group (the day we met was our first date, which was also a group date). It's so funny to look back on that day and think about how I had no intentions of seriously dating Chris. Ha! Never say never, I guess.

Annnnnd just like Ted Mosby, I'm just going to leave you with those little details of our how we met story. Just know that our ending is a lot better than Ted's...

Happy December 30th to us!!!

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  1. How glad that you gave Chris a chance and became a Gourley. We love you Shayli!

  2. Love this. I love that you're celebrating with cookies and tv. True love!
