Wednesday, December 3, 2014

December-Do List

Despite the fact that the first three days of my December have consisted of stress, top-knots, yoga pants, and 44 oz of Diet DP daily + the caffeine shakes, I'm still surprisingly pumped for this month! Maybe it's because I'm two weeks away from being done with Biomechanics? Or because I don't have to sing Feliz Navidad , or any other Christmas song for that matter, under my breath anymore? Or maybe it's because Pinterest and Instagram showed me inspirational quotes and pictures telling me that I need to make the last month of 2014 a good one? For whatever reason, I'm ready to indulge in all things December! Which is why I made myself a December-Do list that includes things I want to see/do. Also, I feel the need to tell you that there's things on my list that I've already done or know I'm going to do this month, because I'm totally one of those people that puts stuff they've already done on their to-do list just to cross it off. Here they are:

:: Make caramels! Or just eat the ones my mom gets from the neighbors. Probably just eat, though.

:: Go ice skating! That was one of mine and Chris' first few dates, and we haven't gone since (sometimes I miss pre-married Chris and Shayli-they were so adventurous and nervous to hold hands + really skinny)

:: Sleep out in the living room with the Christmas tree lights on. 

::  See Annie & Unbroken (better yet: BOTH in one day!)

:: Walk through Riverwoods. I would say Temple Square, but that's going to take a lot of convincing for Chris since we did that last year and I made him miss his rec league basketball game + my brother's car got broken into...

:: Serve someone!

:: See Thanksgiving Point lights (Wooo Gourley gang!).

:: Pass Biomechanics (this isn't Christmas-y, but it's totally going to require a Christmas miracle).

:: Try the Peppermint shake from Chic-fil-A. 

:: Visit my grandma and grandpa Sanderson.

:: Give the hand to my DDD at Swig, and actually try their dirty hot chocolate this year.

:: Trap Meet Chris under the mistletoe (but seriously, where does one find mistletoe??).

:: Actually wrap a present by myself.

:: Festival of Trees! (and NOT cry reading about each tree and who it's dedicated to...)

:: Celebrate meeting Chris 3 years ago on December 30!

Here we go Decembrrrrrrrrr!

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  1. Sorry if this keeps repeating, but I freaking love your posts!

    1. No need to apologize! I love those repeats ;) Thank you!!

  2. ice skating, sleeping in the living room & seeing annie+unbroken all sound like great ideas to me. plus, visiting your grandparents is the sweeeetest :) also, i'm obsessed with your picture & the twinkling lights. HOW DO THEY DO THAT!?

  3. Chad cannot get over the fact that Chris opened his ipad mini and played with it. He has mentioned it several times..." Your brother!"
