Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Weekending in St. George

^^Fake smiles because Chris just tipped over a full 44oz Triple D drink right before this^^ If you look closely, you'll notice a vain in my forehead trying it's best to not jump out of my head and strangle Chris :) 

What better day than a cold, wet, rainy Tuesday to blog about the quick, "spontaneous" (planning a trip in less than 3 days is a big deal for us Gourley's!) weekend we had in St. George? 

Chris and I love St. George... Chris loves it because he can golf there, and I love it because I can get my Swig there. But wait, can't we do those things at home? Answer: yes. But I can't be the only who thinks that everything is just better in St. George, right? Pickleball, shopping, frozen custard, Chili's, sugar cookies, hiking, golfing. . . we have those things here, but...but...St. George!!! 

By the way, all those things I just mentioned that are better in St. George are exactly what we did there this weekend. What's even better is that we did all those things with some of my favorite people: Shelby + Cade + mama & papa Sanderson. Thanks for letting us crash your 6 month anniversary, Shelbs ;) 

St. George, WE LOVE YOU! And I'm sure we'll be back real soon... especially since I can't stop dreaming of Nielsen's Frozen Custard + coconut sugar cookies--the two things I really can't get in Utah county. 

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Thursday, April 21, 2016

31 more days.

Sometimes I think I'm not a "morning person," but then I pull up to school and am greeted by portable #2 and a view like this and in that moment I think, "How can I be anything but a morning person?!" I love walking into my classroom and having that burst of lets-get-shiz-done energy and writing the new starter on the board while enjoying the peaceful silence that only happens before the 7:25 bell rings. 

Once I hear those three chimes, that's when my teacher brain flips on and starts frantically writing to-do lists on sticky notes, straightening desks, putting in orders for copies, and realizing how excited I am to see my students--the students that I find myself defending when someone says to me, "Oh you teach jr. high? You brave soul..." Even if I occasionally find myself agreeing with those people. Especially on days like today where I found myself saying things like "Don't call it a cock--it's a chicken!" and "I better not be on your Snapchat story..." but then I'll have a student say thank you at the end of class, or watch one of them hold the door for their classmates, or come give me a high five and I think, "You people have got it all wrong!" junior high kids are the sweetest, funniest, most creative little humans ever! They're definitely not given enough credit...

Oh, and if you're reading this thinking this sounds like such a sentimental post, it's only because it's such a sentimental post. You see, today as I was driving home from work, it hit me--my days of enjoying being a "morning person" and hanging out with my jr. high humans are numbered! Like, 31 more days until Summer kind of numbered. Don't get me wrong, I am sooo excited for Summer, but is there a part of me that's going to miss getting up and seeing my student's every day? Does my heart sometimes drop down to my bellybutton thinking about not teaching for 10 weeks? Yes. So much yes. 

What the freak am I going to do this Summer?! I only have 31 more days to figure that out.

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Sunday, April 17, 2016

April 12th's...

Confession: I'm a huge what-if?! thinker. Almost to the point of ridiculousness . . .

What if I switched bodies with that random stranger at the store? What if I went back in time and stopped myself from eating Del Taco at midnight all the time? What if I wasn't a health teacher? 

And most recently . . . What if there were no April 12th's?! 

Usually when I have my crazy what-if thoughts, I never really intend on answering them, but when asking myself what if there were no April 12th's I started answering immediately. I know exactly what would happen (or wouldn't happen) . . .

I'd have no reason to make ABTS (Almost Better Than Sex) cake.
I'd also probably never set foot in Cabella's.
I'd never know that I was missing out on fried rice, Hawaiian haystacks, and Outback.
I'd also never know who the Spurs are, or when they are playing.  Actually, I'd just not know anything about basketball.
I'd probably never know how insurance works.
I wouldn't get my car's oil changed as frequently.
I probably wouldn't be as outgoing.
I wouldn't know how to play tennis.
I'd never go fishing or hunting for turks.
I wouldn't have someone to watch Modern Family every night with.

And the worst thing of all.... I wouldn't have my Chris Gourley! Or be able to celebrate the fact that he's been on this earth for 28 years now.
Phew! I'm so glad that my what-if?! thinking is borderline ridiculous and that I'll never truly have to worry about there never being April 12th's, because let's face it, life without Chris Gourley is pretty much incomprehendable + would be pretty dang boring + I really really like BTS cake.

So even though this blogpost is a little late (#wifefail), HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS GOURLEY!!! You are the greatest reason to celebrate April 12th. I'm glad we got to celebrate by going to Outback, surprising you with manly man stuff, and catching you doing yardwork (who does that on their birthday?!). Instead of being sad that you're getting older, think of it as an opportunity to get more birthday spankin's ;)

LOVE YOU x28!!!

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Friday, April 8, 2016

Teach me to blog? (my current happy list)

Brace yourselves, you're about to be list-slapped so hard.

// not to go all white girl on you, but the blossoms--all of the blossoms! my favorite part of walking out of my portable at work
// playing kickball and capture the flag with my PE classes (outside!)
// Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
// HIGH fitness (Hi, Jenessa!)
// bright pink lipstick
// getting in my car and having to roll the windows down
// my students--i truly look forward to seeing them every single day
// spring cleaning
// apples + peanut butter
// lunch club with Keisha
// teaching
// Chris. specifically, Chris singing Adele's "Hello" daily
// peach mango crystal light
// Elder Holland's talk
// planning the Summer of Shay
// being a blondie again
// running and exploring the trails behind my house (guys, the flipbelt is life-changing i tell you, life-changing!)
// list blog posts 
// the sun freckles on my nose

// FRIDAYS (duh)

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