Thursday, April 21, 2016

31 more days.

Sometimes I think I'm not a "morning person," but then I pull up to school and am greeted by portable #2 and a view like this and in that moment I think, "How can I be anything but a morning person?!" I love walking into my classroom and having that burst of lets-get-shiz-done energy and writing the new starter on the board while enjoying the peaceful silence that only happens before the 7:25 bell rings. 

Once I hear those three chimes, that's when my teacher brain flips on and starts frantically writing to-do lists on sticky notes, straightening desks, putting in orders for copies, and realizing how excited I am to see my students--the students that I find myself defending when someone says to me, "Oh you teach jr. high? You brave soul..." Even if I occasionally find myself agreeing with those people. Especially on days like today where I found myself saying things like "Don't call it a cock--it's a chicken!" and "I better not be on your Snapchat story..." but then I'll have a student say thank you at the end of class, or watch one of them hold the door for their classmates, or come give me a high five and I think, "You people have got it all wrong!" junior high kids are the sweetest, funniest, most creative little humans ever! They're definitely not given enough credit...

Oh, and if you're reading this thinking this sounds like such a sentimental post, it's only because it's such a sentimental post. You see, today as I was driving home from work, it hit me--my days of enjoying being a "morning person" and hanging out with my jr. high humans are numbered! Like, 31 more days until Summer kind of numbered. Don't get me wrong, I am sooo excited for Summer, but is there a part of me that's going to miss getting up and seeing my student's every day? Does my heart sometimes drop down to my bellybutton thinking about not teaching for 10 weeks? Yes. So much yes. 

What the freak am I going to do this Summer?! I only have 31 more days to figure that out.

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1 comment:

  1. Hang out with me and my cute kiddos! Shay you are awesome!
