Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Weekending in St. George

^^Fake smiles because Chris just tipped over a full 44oz Triple D drink right before this^^ If you look closely, you'll notice a vain in my forehead trying it's best to not jump out of my head and strangle Chris :) 

What better day than a cold, wet, rainy Tuesday to blog about the quick, "spontaneous" (planning a trip in less than 3 days is a big deal for us Gourley's!) weekend we had in St. George? 

Chris and I love St. George... Chris loves it because he can golf there, and I love it because I can get my Swig there. But wait, can't we do those things at home? Answer: yes. But I can't be the only who thinks that everything is just better in St. George, right? Pickleball, shopping, frozen custard, Chili's, sugar cookies, hiking, golfing. . . we have those things here, but...but...St. George!!! 

By the way, all those things I just mentioned that are better in St. George are exactly what we did there this weekend. What's even better is that we did all those things with some of my favorite people: Shelby + Cade + mama & papa Sanderson. Thanks for letting us crash your 6 month anniversary, Shelbs ;) 

St. George, WE LOVE YOU! And I'm sure we'll be back real soon... especially since I can't stop dreaming of Nielsen's Frozen Custard + coconut sugar cookies--the two things I really can't get in Utah county. 

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  1. well shit..good thing my diet started this week. hahah :(:(

    1. Haha WHATEVER dude. You look good in all my pics!
