Monday, May 9, 2016

Tuliping + Half Marathoning + Mother's daying

This weekend felt so, so busy! But the good kind of busy, like the busy that makes you feel like you got your sh*z together, you know? I only say that because I feel like I have anything BUT my sh*z together these days... why is May the month where students decide to go crazy and act like they don't need to follow rules anymore? Can I just curl up in the fetal position and read Harry Potter and have Chris feed me chocolate peanut butter ice cream? Ah, I'll save you from my teacher vents (Chris can be the lucky one to hear them ha!) and just get back to telling you how BUSY I was this weekend... ha! I'm the worst.

The weekend started off with me and Chris going to the Tulip Festival on Friday... after it hailed all day...leaving pretty much all the tulips destroyed. NBD. I think that worked in Chris' favor, though... since I only asked him to take ONE picture there with me. Chris did tell me he had mentally prepared himself for 5 or 6 pictures, though... he's slowly learning! But anyway, I guess we couldn't complain too much about the destroyed tulips since I was able to get us in for free (#teacherperks) + I love just walking around those gardens because it brings up memories from one of my most favorite dates with Chris (you can read about that here). Long story short: We had fun tuliping for date night!

Saturday was my half marathon! <--You'd think from that exclamation point that it was something I trained consistently for, and didn't completely stuff myself with Los Hermanos the night before... but you'd be wrong! Because I probably should have trained more, and ate a lot less Mexican food... but it all worked out! I made it across the finish line without losing my sh*z (literally) + I crossed the finish line with my brother, Mckay! It was his first half marathon ever and I was so proud of us because we never stopped and walked or anything. It was so fun, and I hope that Mckay will forget the pain of those last 4 miles so that he'll want to sign up for another race with me! I'm strategically waiting a couple of months before I ask him.

Last but not least... Mother's Day! Chris surprised me with my favorite homemade smoothie in bed + a Swig giftcard + ice cream. Is Chris my person or is he my person? Which now that I think about it, maybe I need to set the standard a little higher than just bringing me all of the junk food to become "my person." Anyway, Chris was so sweet and made this Mother's Day imposter feel special.

And speaking of Mother's Day. . . I'm so grateful for my own mom and my mother-in-law! They are both so self-less, funny, loving, AND always feeding me... so I guess I can consider them both "my person" too? Anyway, I'm grateful for all the other wonderful mother figures in my life--aunts, cousins, sisters, friends--I love you all! Can we all just agree with Beyoncé when she asks us WHO RUN THE WORLD?!

I hope everyone had as "busy" of Mother's Day weekend as I pretended to have + has the ability to walk down the stairs normally.


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1 comment:

  1. I love that you run races with your brothers! Pretty sure none of my brothers will ever run a big race with me. Unless it's to Swig.
