Saturday, May 28, 2016

bike rides & back scratches

One time I made Chris go on a bike ride with me RIGHT after eating Mexican food so that I could show him this house with an amazing backyard (I explained that this yard was #yardgoalsAF now that he understands what "goals" and "AF" means). Then I told him it was only 3 miles away, when really it was 4.21 miles. Then Chris' back tire was flat, and he said he'd be fine because we were only going out 3 miles. Then Chris' bum started to hurt because it's been a long time since he's been on a bike. Then he started to realize our bike ride was a lot longer than 3 miles, and he started to get the meat sweats + some angry sweats. So now I owe him lots of back scratches while we watch basketball this Saturday night. . .

MARRIAGE, amiright?!

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