Tuesday, May 24, 2016


You know it's the month of May when . . .

-you need all of the caffeine in the world

-your students ask you every single day "Will this count on our grade?" or my favorite, "Do I need to dress out for PE today?" Yes, and YES, child, you still have two more weeks of school . . .

-you leave your classroom for one minute and come back to notes like this on your whiteboard (p.s. I may or may not have had to explain to Chris what "af" and "goals" means. Jr. high definitely keeps you young!)

-you have about 5 different "end of year checklists" you're scrambling to do at any given moment

-you find yourself getting a little sad at the thought of not seeing your students for 10 weeks

-you find yourself smiling at the thought of not seeing your students for 10 weeks

-you're creating your "Summer of Shay Bucket List" which pretty much only consists of "workout" and "get tan" on it so far. . .

-you can tell someone at any given moment exactly how many days of school you have left

-you're tired of saying words like "penis," "vagina," and "scrotum" because you're almost finished with the human sexuality unit

-you have to answer questions like "what's a vagina?" (asked from a GIRL in my class... true story) again, because you're teaching human sexuality

-you sit and complain to your co-workers about how all your students have checked out, but in reality, you've checked out too

-your 3rd period class asks if they can do the Running Man Challenge, and you agree to let them, because really you hope it goes viral so you can be on the Ellen Degeneres Show
Ask me how many times I watch this a day... I DARE YOU (this is when I get sad about not seeing my students for 10 weeks--they are seriously the best!)

-Your students act a little too excited at the thought of throwing their notebooks around during the Running Man Challenge

- - - - - - - - - -

Is it coincidence that the word mayday begins with "MAY"? I think not. 

Only 7 more school days left + lots of caffeine to be consumed. 

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1 comment:

  1. There's got to be SOMETHING we can do to make it on Ellen!

    Maybe if we get Tom G involved...him doing the running man has got to be worth something.
