Saturday, September 28, 2013


The other day, my friend, Jenessa posted a picture of her "real" life on Instagram (click here to read about it) and put the hashtag, "lionsdontcarewhatlambsthink." I loved everything about her post. It was so refreshing to see, since this is something I've been thinking about a lot lately--how we all portray our lives on social media, and how sad it is that we have to explain what is our "real life" and what is not. 

Oh, and since you asked for a picture of my real life, here it is. Seriously though, the first thing I do when I come home is change into sweatpants, grab my bag of chips, and turn on Netflix until Chris comes home--a little embarrassing, no? Anyway, back to me attempting to write about relevant things on my blog...

It's SO easy to feel inadequate after looking at any kind of social media. Patty Pinterest made another table out of  pine cones?! Freddy Facebook is in Hawaii again? How does Suzie Instagram afford to go out with her husband every night?!  It's not uncommon for me to feel a little sad after getting off of my phone. Yet, I still continue to look at it almost every minute of every day. Why?! I'm still trying to figure that one out.

So, how do you stop being sad and feeling inadequate after looking at social media? Demand that everyone post "real" things? Un-follow everyone that seems to have a better life than you? Suck it up and just remember that you chose to follow those people? Of course not! Besides, you wouldn't want to risk losing any followers... ;)

Sometimes, I think it's hard to remember that it's natural to just post about the "good" things going on in our lives--we're excited about them! And we want others to be excited with us. I don't think anyone really posts a picture and thinks, "Who can I make feel inadequate with this post today?" We just naturally like to share the great things going on in our lives, and keep the not-so-great things to ourselves. So then we fall into this routine of posting only great things and give the illusion that our lives are perfect.

Now I'm not saying you shouldn't post those happy, beautiful, or glamorous moments that happen in your life, because girlfriend, if you are having a good hair day and want to post a selfie, post away! Just remember that those "not-so-great " moments that you think no one cares about (like the tears you shed the day before when you weren't having a good hair day), there's a good chance that someone else out there cares about it. There's a reason people are looking at your blog, Instagram, or Facebook--they want to know what's going on in your life! All different aspects of your life. Well, maybe not ALL aspects of your life... no one needs to see that you're texting your spouse to bring you more toilet paper, but you get the point.

I think another half of this problem (for me at least) is not being grateful enough for what I have. I am so focused on what others have or what they are doing that I forget the blessings I receive daily in my life. Silliness! How can I be jealous that Suzie Instagram's husband surprised her with flowers when my husband brought me home a gallon of peanut butter cup chocolate ice cream the week before? It's easy (almost too easy) to lose sight of all the daily blessings we're given, and even easier to compare our blessings with someone else's.

I feel like I'm getting a little preachy here, and I apologize, because I know I'm guilty for more than half the things I've mentioned, but I'm working on it. So feel free to join me and do the same, but if not, that's okay too--chances are I'm still gonna double tap my screen and like whatever you post.

But before I go, I would just like to ask you one question: How refreshing would it be to live in a world where selfies were posted with captions like, "It took me 1.5 hours to get ready before I took this picture," or "I had to use 3 DVD cases and a candle to hold up my phone so I could take this picture in my room by myself" or even "It took 13 tries to take this selfie"... ? A girl can dream, I guess. But anyway, I'm going to get back to keepin' it real with my Chris, and continue to watch football... on seperate couches.. on our Saturday night.

Happy "real" Saturday! Peace + Blessings

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  1. Three things: first off, I love you and definitely think we need to hangout more. Secondly, I appreciate you so much for keeping it real and spreading the good word! And Third, I know I appreciate it when people tell me, so I'm letting you know! I adore your blog. I legitamitley look forward to reading it! So keep it up, k? Love ya

    1. Jenessa! Your comment seriously made my day! Thank you so much--I love hearing that. And YES! We definitely need to hangout more... I want to meet your little man! Plus, I just think you're hilarious and want to hangout with you. Love you woman!

  2. hahahahaha! love this. I have posted depressing things on my instagram (cancer) but i find myself deleteing them because I dont' watn to spread negativity into the world.... or make people feel like crap seeing my posts...

    1. Why would you delete them? It's what is really going in your life, Rache! That's why I like it... because it's REAL :) Hope you are doing okay, though! Love ya Raquel.

    2. I don't know... I really am afraid of people seeing my posts and then being like dammit Rachel posted AGAIN. She is so depressing. I'm an instaholic... but anywho I'm doing great!!! :) When I move back down to Zoobie land in December let's get some cafe rio and chat!!! Perhaps have a craft day... I know I'm not married or anything but I would like to make some holiday magnets.

    3. YES! Definitely going to have to get some cafe rio :) I'd be down for a craft day, too! Haha I'm still learning how to be crafty... so obviously being married has no correlation to craftiness haha.

  3. Haha "separate couches" is so perfect,

    1. Haha you have to know what I'm going through now that football season has started...

  4. Love this! I'm giving a standing ovation!

    Unfortunately, it feels so much worse when you have kids--at least for me. "My one year old can name all of the prophets!" "My 4 year old can read the Encyclopedia!"

    Well my kids like to talk about smelly feet and farts.

  5. Oh man, I can't even imagine how much worse it gets when you have kids! I'm already feeling pressure for my future kids to be perfect! But I'm sure they'll take after their cousins and like talking about smelly feet and farts, too ;) Honestly, I'd be worried if your kids didn't like talking about smelly feet and farts... Chris wouldn't be doing his job as uncle, right?! ;) Love ya Michelle!!
