Monday, September 16, 2013

Concrete Jungle

 Am I the only one who feels like blog world has unspoken rules? Like there is some mama blog that makes all the rules and if you don't follow them, you're in trouble? Yeah... me neither, ya big weird. So despite what this imaginary blog mama might say to me if I posted about my trip to Chicago that happened over a week ago (that's like 3 months in blog years), I'm doing it anyway. You ain't the boss of me, mama blog!

So onwards! To Chicago!

People usually ask me why I'm going to Chicago, to which I simply reply, "To shop and eat good food while my dad works," which are the exact same reasons I went back this year for my third time. It never gets old to me. While the reasons for returning are the same, there were some different note-worthy things about my trip this time:

+ My sister-in-law Haley got to come with us! I don't think I'll ever be able to experience Chicago without her and my cute niece, Evie, ever again.

+ The Windy City was anything but windy. Seriously, it was almost record highs for Chicago while we were there... it almost put a damper on shopping... almost.

+ We went to Millenium Park. The big metallic bean was so cool! Until some creeper guy came up to me and asked if he could take a picture with was nothing a little shopping couldn't fix, though. ;)

+ Wildfire. Hands down, the best steak I have ever had... I still have inappropriate dreams about the filet mignon I had there. Did you know that filet mignon can have crusts on it? I didn't either, until they offered parmesan, blue cheese, and twice baked potato crusts on my medallions of filet mignon... sigh. Thank you, dad for the very expensive meal.

+ The power in our hotel room went out. Luckily, Shelbs brought her Surface so I could watch How I Met Your Mother and distract myself from thinking that a crazed killer was coming up to our hotel room.

+ I actually came home with leftover cash. Granted, it was only $8, but still! That's got to count for something, right?

+ It was the longest time I've spent away from Chris. This year was my first time being a wifey while in Chicago, and it was hard. I missed Chris. A lot. And judging by the candy poster (you know, like the candy posters you use to ask someone to a high school dance with? ha) Chris surprised me with when I got home, I think it's safe to say he missed me too.

+ We actually went on the Ferris wheel at the Navy Pier. I made Haley and Shelby go with me. Mainly so they could take picture of me up by the skyline (I hate Ferris wheels)--most expensive pictures I've paid for in Chicago.

+ I only ate Ghirardelli's ice cream once. Don't be fooled, I still set foot in there every day to get my pumpkin caramel spice chocolate sample. It's the little things... ;)

Chicago 2013 was definitely a success. 

Chicago, you will be missed. Until next time.

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