Wednesday, September 4, 2013

back to school

Ever since I started college, I've never been too excited for the first day of school. Well, I guess I might have been excited for the first day my freshman year, until I rear-ended another poor freshman in a hurry to get to class, and then set foot in chemistry or American Heritage or any other class I didn't do well in?

But this semester, I was excited for the first day. So excited, that I asked Chris to take a picture of me so I could show the instagram world how excited I was! Also, I was having a good hair/makeup day, but that's besides the point. The point is, that this semester is my first semester as officially being a school health education major with a coaching and PE teaching minor! After having a big fat meltdown winter semester about applying for nursing school, I decided to change my major. Sometimes I feel silly telling people I've changed from pre-nursing to health education, but then I remember all the tears shed from classes like chemistry and physiology and any other class that ended in 'ology' and I'm reminded that I made the right choice. Validate me?!

Anyway, I'm so excited for this semester! Not only do I get to learn about infectious diseases, but I get to learn about them with my older brother! Having a class with your sibling + your sibling being a genius = A+ for Shayli. I'm also really excited about my teaching sexuality in the curriculum class! I apologize in advance if I start using the word 'sex' a lot in any future posts. I have a feeling I am going to become very comfortable with that word after this class.

I'm sure after a week or two of classes, my excitement will cease. But for now, I'm excited and still over-the-top motivated. This is my semester, and you're gonna hear me roooooaaaar (thanks, Katy).

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  1. Hooray, for being excited for school! You will love your classes and it will be great.

    1. Thanks! I think it will be :) You and Chris can help me with my classes too ;)
