Sunday, September 22, 2013

a post about the Holy War... but not really.

There are very few things a Chris Gourley asks of his wife, those things include, but are not limited to: willingness to scratch his back, sleeping with NO lights on(exceptions have been known to be made during seasons of The Walking Dead, though) and watching football.

Last night, we (and everyone else in Utah county) went to the BYU vs. Utah game. I could give you the illusion that I am one of those cool girls that LOVES football by telling you that BYU needs a new offensive coordinator, and that the last play of the game should have been called as a PI, but I won't. Although, for Chris' sake, I wish I was one of those girls. Bless Chris' heart for being patient enough to answer my questions after every single play, only after I would point out something the cheerleaders had just done.

Even though the Cougs suffered a tough loss, I still left the stadium feeling like a winner. Why? Because me and Chris walked away with a free burger and shake from Carl's Jr., and 2 for 1 coupons to Sundance's scenic lift rides--gotta love tailgating!

This post was intended to go in a little deeper about my love/hate relationship with the Holy war, but for now, I'll just focus on the love aspect of it. Love the free stuff we won, the giddiness of Chris that comes from being at a football game, the people watching that I got to experience (both BYU and Utah fans), and the fact that I don't have to worry about Cougs losing to Utes for another 3 years.

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  1. You guys are so cute. I don't really have a team I root for. Because I am an Aggie! Buttttt I hope you still had a stellar time? haha!

    1. Thanks, Amanda! You and Mr. Schroeder are pretty dang cute yourselves! Haha there's nothing wrong rooting for the Aggies! Even though I go to BYU, I'm not a die-hard fan like I should be, but being married to Chris has definitely made me care a little bit more about whether they lose or not ;)

  2. I was hoping you'd write about your attempt to break into the Polynesian tailgate party.

    1. Haha! This is exactly why Kat needs to update her blog... for those little details ;)
