Thursday, September 19, 2013

The One Where They're Up All Night

My fellow Friends watchers, is it or is it not true that you can relate almost anything in your life to an episode of Friends? If you answered anything besides true, it's more than likely that you haven't watched Friends enough (and that you didn't cry when Rachel "got off the plane"), but anyway, you know the episode where Phoebe's fire alarm goes off and there's absolutely nothing she can do to get it to stop beeping? That was exactly what happened to me and Chris last night.


Chris woke up to a loud, chirping noise only to discover that it was our fire alarms going off. I was asleep until I heard him moving our TV stand so he could stand on it to disable the alarm. The only problem was that even after he took it off, it still kept making that loud chirping noise. Luckily, Chris kept his cool and didn't start smashing it with his shoe, unlike Phoebe. Then all of our other alarms started going off! I could hear Chris mumbling under his breath, and moving objects out in our hall, but I didn't question his methods because at that point, it was 5:53 in the morning, and I had planned to wake up at 6:23 (I woke up at  7:18 and forgot to brush my teeth...oops).

I'm still not exactly sure what Chris did to make the alarms stop. Maybe he wrapped it up in Monica Gellar's blanket and tried to throw it down in the trash shoot and then had a fireman return it to him? I don't know. But whatever he did, it involved our office chair in the middle of our hall, and our ottoman at the bottom of the stairs, blocking our coat closet.

Thanks, Chris.

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  1. eww, you forgot to brush your teeth? I hope you didn't talk to anyone that morning haha.

    1. In my defense... I ate breakfast first! So that's why I forgot! I compensated with lots of gum haha.

  2. LOL. Mine went off a few weeks ago. It's still sitting on my counter with the battery out of that damn thing.

    I am the champion of gum. :/ Maybe that's why my teeth are so yellow..... lightbulb. P.S. I need you to text message me your address pretty please!
