Monday, November 9, 2015


In married years, me and Chris are 3 year-olds as of today! For anyone wondering what it's like to be a 3 year-old, it's kind of the same as being a 2 year-old, except better. For one, you get to celebrate being a 3 year-old in Disneyland!!! (the good, the bad, and the ugly post to soon follow!) And because you're celebrating your anniversary, your husband will agree to haul around your anniversary picture all day while at Disneyland and not complain at all! He'll also agree to buy you dole whips and corndogs (!!!), but that's besides the point.  Obviously, year 3 is pretty bueno.

In all seriousness though, year 3 is awesome. It's so cliche to say, but it's true--marriage just gets better and better with each year! There's just some things that come with time, you know? You just can't fully understand certain things until you hit year three, like that you NEVER clean out your husband's hunting backpack, or that you should NEVER flick your wife's chin when she's mid-sentence (ha!). You also start to understand the phrase "let the little things go" a little more... but not quite fully, because let's face it--your'e still 3 year-olds + you still care a little bit that they don't load the dishwasher how you do and that no matter how hard you try, they're just not going to care about your fantasy football league no matter how much you try to talk about it with them.

But what you do understand is that you're with each other forever, so maybe you don't need to argue as much? And maybe it's time to to repair some of the damage/weight gain from the first 2 years of  marriage? And kissing and holdings hands is still important. And most importantly, that life is so much better when you have someone to laugh, cry, and freakout with through it all.

I'm so, so happy that I get to do life with you, Chris!
Happy anniversary, lover dover!

Choose your love, love your choice.
 photo postsignature.jpg

1 comment:

  1. This is great, I wish I was as witty and as clever as you! Happy Anni. So jealous your in Disney too.
    Okay I'm just jealous of you period.
    K bye
