Thursday, August 20, 2015

"badge hype"

I had forgotten to take this badge off when I left my school to go meet Chris for dinner. As soon as Chris saw me he said, "Aww, I remember having badge hype, too!"  like I had intentionally left it on to be a conversation starter at dinner with his co-workers (physicians nonetheless!) or something.

I like to think that it was an honest mistake, but I'm pretty sure my subconscious had kicked in and told me to keep wearing the badge so that I wouldn't feel bad about the fact that the car I was climbing into had empty Swig cups everywhere + melted chocolate chips that had spilled from the granola bars I'd been frantically eating on my way to meetings this week + the selfie stick I made sure to remove from my purse before heading into said meetings. Like, who OK'd this girl to teach the future generation!?

But there is no denying that my badge does make me feel a little more official... and terrified... and excited all at the same time, so a little badge hype is normal, right?

Anyway, the first official day of school is in five days! F I V E. I can't even believe it! Is this real life or am I dreaming?! The only way to know if I'm dreaming is if I show up for the first day of school in a hideous, long, denim skirt and I'm not prepared with anything and my principal shows up to evaluate me and then fails me-- a popular dream these days.  I'm hoping the badge hype can get me through that first day...

Wish me luck!

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