Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving Break Recap

I feel like our Thanksgiving break was jam-packed with fun this year! So, naturally, you'd think I have tons of fun pictures to post on the blog, right? Spoiler alert: I don't. For some reason, picture-taking Shayli decided to take a break herself, or maybe she just couldn't discipline herself to wait an extra second longer to take a picture of all the delicious food in front of her before eating it? Anyway, here's a recap of our weekend! Minus lots of pictures.

Thanksgiving dinner. This year was our year to eat with my family (my family + all of my aunts, uncles, and cousins on my mom's side), which means that I got to see how hard my mom goes on Thanksgiving! Also, if you've ever been to an event thrown by my mom's side of the family, you know that there is going to be freaking delicious food. And a lot of it. Food and family... two of my favorite things! Could I ask for more?

Black Friday Shopping. I'm almost kind of embarrassed to let blog world know that Chris and I bought a TV on Thanksgiving. Especially since my last post was on gratitude...ha! But in my defense, I wasn't really planning on buying a TV--let alone a 55 incher! I also didn't think Chris had it in him to spend that much money on a TV ;) But when Chris texted me about getting a 55" TV from Best Buy, I wasn't about to say no! My favorite part was watching the guys from Best Buy squeeze the monster-sized TV into our little Sentra. Chris says it fit like a glove, so it was obviously meant to be our TV. Chris was giddy the whole drive home. Behold:

Pure joy...

The Fault in Our Stars. OH.MY. I could not put this book down over the break! I'm pretty sure I would have finished it in two days if we didn't have so much family stuff going on this weekend. I was so sure I was just going to cry through the whole thing, but I actually ended up laughing more than crying! Which is weird, since I cry at everything. Anyway! If you haven't read this book, just read it. Humor, drama, and a love story--this book has everything.

Frozen. My grandma Walker paid for everyone to go to the movies! So, not only was Frozen a free movie, but it was a good one! I loved it. I was so worried Chris wasn't going to like it because it had so much music, but even he liked it! I'm still singing the songs...

Putting up Christmas decorations. First, you should know that my mother has ingrained in my mind that Christmas decorations go up the day after Thanksgiving. Not a day before, not on Thanksgiving, only the day after. So when I didn't get my Christmas decor up, I felt like a little piece of my mom that lives inside of me died. Oh, the shame! But when I finally did get my Christmas up I was so happy! Even though we don't have a whole lot to put up, it's still fun to just sit in our living room with our Christmas tree lit up. Plus, it doesn't hurt that we bought two bags of Candy Cane Kisses to go in our treat bowl, which is half empty now (not half full...there is no such thing as optimism when there is a decrease in Candy Cane Kisses). The Christmas decorations got me so excited, that I actually attempted to take a  "Look! I put Christmas up, and me and my husband are cute"  picture that turned into an epic fail. You can see why it didn't make the Instagram cut...

Bless our hearts...

Salad and scones. Let it be known: my mother-in-law makes THE best scones. It's become a Gourley tradition to have salads and scones. Some people might think that's a weird combination, but I think it makes perfect sense. You eat a butt-load of scones, and then you eat salad to feel better about yourself after consuming your body weight in scones. Amirite or amirite?! 

I'm so glad we got to start and finish our holiday weekend with family and delicious food! I love this time of year because I get to see how blessed I am with such amazing family and an amazing husband (especially when he agrees to ride to Swig with me!). The break made me even more excited for the upcoming holiday and all the time we'll be spending with our families. 

Hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving!

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  1. Haha my mom is the same way about decorations. ;) and we read fault in our stars for book club a few months ago - i was the same way. I just laughed so hard. I guess I don't really cry in movies or book though... sounds like you had a good thanksgiving! Love ya!

  2. Did you see that they are making it into a movie?! I'm so excited! :)
