Monday, December 30, 2013

Better late than never...

Sorry Kat, this picture was too good NOT to post.

Not pictured: Christmas eve/Christmas day.

 As you can tell, this year has been an epic fail at documenting holidays (that last word was unnecessary), so I guess that's another thing to add to the resolutions list for 2014! If it goes anything like my past resolutions have, you can expect a buttload of pictures for the first week of January. And by week, I mean the first three days... if we're lucky. But guys, I really am going to start working out more this year..... 

This holiday season was a success for us! We got to go to River Woods, Thanksgiving Point, and Temple Square to see the lights (that's all I wanted to do last year). And since we weren't brand spankin' new newlyweds this year, it just felt more like Christmas (and looked more like Christmas since we were able to put a few more presents under the tree this year). We also got to enjoy juggling two families. It felt like we had one party after the next, but we ain't complainin'! Especially after winning $9 in quarters at the Gourley game night, almost all of which have been spent at Swig. 

I think the highlight of my Christmas this year was going to visit my grandma and grandpa Sanderson. Seeing their faces light up when we walked into their house just really made me remember what Christmas is all about. If there is one resolution I want to keep for 2014, it's going to visit them regularly. There is definitely a special feeling in their home. They are some of the most amazing people I've ever met.

Anyway, before I get too sentimental here, I'll just end with saying how blessed we are to have such amazing family and friends that make this time of year the best! Here's to many more Christmas seasons!

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PS! Let it be known: I have remembered to wear a bra every day since December 20, 2013! Glad I could get that off my chest... (see what I did there?!) 

1 comment:

  1. Hahah you're P.S. too funny... your top knots are adorable!!!! Teach me :)))
