Friday, December 20, 2013

That awkward moment...

...when you've been sitting at work for an hour before you realize you're not wearing a bra.

Yep. That happened today.


Now, I know what you're thinking: HOW? How could you not remember to put a bra on?! Trust me, I'm asking myself the same question. I do have some theories though... Maybe I'm still suffering from finals week brain? Or maybe I was just so focused on actually doing my hair today (sorry, topknot... I'm sure you'll make an appearance tomorrow...and the next day...and the day after that). Or maybe, just maybe, it's because I was more worried about shoving candy cane kisses in my pockets for breakfast? I don't know.

Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that today also happened to be the day I decided to wear a white shirt? Or that today was the first day in weeks that I was assigned to be up at reception at work? Which meant no hiding behind a desk for this braless girl. Nope. Just constant walking students to the testing room. I'm sure they thought covering my chesticles with their test was normal, right? And I'm sure my coworkers thought I was just trying to be really reverent walking down the halls with my arms folded like the little sunbeams* I teach.

Thankfully, I had a lunch break to go home and cover the ladies up! Man, I never thought I'd see the day where I'd actually be excited to put a bra on. I came back from lunch a whole new (more shapely) woman!

Needless to say, bras are going in the gratitude journal tonight.

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*That was a lie. My sunbeams are little crazy humans. But I love them. Most of the time.


  1. Or maybe you were reveling in your big win last night, thinking of what you'll do with the prize money. (Or what you could have done with even more...)

    Whatever it was...thank you for sharing this with the world! Hilarious.

  2. thank you so so so so so so so so much for this post! I enjoyed it immensely!

  3. This is my favorite. I am laughing just as hard now as I did on that blessed day.
