Thursday, December 5, 2013

Oh, hey aunt Flo!

....all men stop reading NOW. Or don't unless you like hearing about lady parts? Actually, just keep reading. I don't mention any lady part words that make you cringe.

I should have known a storm was a'brewin' down in my lady parts...

This week has consisted of me pounding down food. Seriously, pounding. And then asking Chris every night "Umm.. can we go get food??" And holy #*%# I need some chocolate!

Poor Chris...

Who also had to deal with two huge vent sessions from me today: 

"I don't care if breastfeeding is "natural!" It makes everyone uncomfortable when you whip out your boob in public! I don't mind if you cover up and feed in public, but oh my gosh, no one needs to see your breasts in public! I fee like those women are just trying to make a point! Don't you agree with me, babe? Don't you?!!" (this may seem like a random topic, but we talked about breastfeeding in my women's health issues class--I promise I don't just randomly start debates about boobs...most of the time) 

"Ugh, I am so sick of everyone on Facebook complaining about Elf-on-the-Shelf! If you don't like it, just don't do it! Don't make other people feel bad for doing it!!  -By the way, I don't even have an Elf-on-the-Shelf. 

And then I finally went to the bathroom and  all of my days of starving, crying, and wanting to just punch people in the face this past week made more sense... Um, hi aunt Flo! How nice to see you!...NOT. 

I guess having ovaries isn't completely bad... Now I can justify sobbing at this video my friend, Kara, posted while simultaneously shoving two handfuls of candy cane kisses in my mouth.

...the point of this all is that there really is no point. I have a 10 page paper due tomorrow and Chris is gone playing basketball while I sit here and watch the Kardashians. Braless.

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