Saturday, November 23, 2013


The other day in my Mind/Body/Spirit class we talked about gratitude.

Now I know what you're thinking, "Great, here comes another thankful list for November. Scroll down..." Stop scrolling! Come back! This post isn't going to be a huge list of things I'm grateful for! Promise. But if it was, would you really just keep scrolling? Why don't you like meeeeee!?

Anyway...gratitude! My teacher talked about how being grateful improves our health. She told us about an experiment that found that people who thought about what they were grateful for had boosts in their immune system, and those who actually voiced their gratitude had 2x more of a boost in their immune system. How cray cray is that?! I loved that we got to learn about the physical benefits that come from gratitude rather than just the spiritual benefits, ya know?

That lecture also made me realize how much I suffer from an ungrateful heart. I suffer from what I like to call the comparesies. I am constantly comparing myself to others, whether it be on social media, at school, church, or good heck, even with random strangers at the grocery store! I compare, feel bad for myself, start wanting things I can't/don't have, and then just get irritated or sad when I don't get them. I see now how not being grateful literally effects my health! Even if I do get something, it's not long before I find something else to want. It's a vicious cycle. I've realized that comparesies also makes me constantly look towards the future, instead of  just enjoying the present moment and being happy with all of the things I'm blessed with every single day.

So for this holiday season, I want to make it a goal to keep a gratitude journal and just write down some things that I'm grateful for every day. Don't worry, I won't bore you with my list on here, which I'm sure will consist mostly of food and other things like eyebrows. And hopefully this will help me narrow down my Christmas list for Chris ;) But really, I know I need to be more  grateful for what I have, and what better time to start than this week with Thanksgiving coming up?! I know, I know... so cliche. But it's a start, right?!

Also, I know I said I wasn't going to make a list of things I'm grateful for, but I never said I wouldn't say ONE thing I'm grateful for. Loophole! So I'd just like to say that I'm grateful for Swig in Provo. Oh Swig, what would I do without your Dirty Diet Dr. Pepper's?! Actually, I do know. I'd fall asleep easier, be on time to class, and save money, but that's besides the point. You can't put a price on happiness, especially the happiness that comes from a DDD and a sugar cookie.  It's the little things ;)

Here's to being more grateful and boosting immune systems this holiday season!

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