Monday, November 18, 2013

Date Nights!

I don't know about the rest of you married folk, but Chris and I have found that our "date nights" have turned into sitting on the couch playing on our phones and taking a break to periodically look up at the show we're supposed to be watching. Romantic, right?! Wrong! Which is why we decided that for our family night activity tonight we were going to sit and jot down fun date night ideas together.

Now I know there are a lot of lists on Pinterest for date night ideas, but have you read some of them? Some of the ideas just make me cringe and get awkward tingles. One list suggested "Have a rapping contest together," or "draw each other with your eyes closed." Yeah, umm hi! Who really does that?

Anyway, Chris and I decided to put our heads together and list things that WE would actually want to do. I'm so excited! So without further adieu, here is our list of date nights!

-Go ice skating and get hot chocolate
-Go to the Living Planet Aquarium
-Temple night + dinner
-Su Casa (it's a Mexican restaurant in Salt Lake that Chris LOVES) + a Jazz game
-Laser tag at Trafalga
-Build a fort and watch a Redbox
-Water Gardens movie + Sonic hot chocolate (Sonic keeps telling me to go try one of their 6 premium hot chocolates)
-Go see the lights at Temple Square
-Riverwoods Christmas lights + Caramel Apples from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory
-Go to a BYU Basketball game
-Applebee’s bingo night and 1/2 priced appetizers
-Movie + Massages
-Game night! Cards or Strip...yahtzee? Err something...
-Build Gingerbread Houses
-Thanksgiving Point for Ice Cream and Turkey lookin’
-Bake something together and drop it off at a friend's house (be nice to us!)
-Decorate mugs together with Sharpies
-Video game night (Chris is way too excited about this one)
-Babysit for someone (again, be nice to us! hehe)
-Find a deal on Groupon and do something
-Food Crawl (drinks (most likely Dirty Diet Dr. Peppers from Swig), entrée, and dessert from all different places)-I'm so excited for this one!
-Nickel City 
-Write down New Year’s Resolutions together
-Plan our 5 year anniversary vacation
-Go shooting
-Window shop at Home Depot (this is nothing new for us)
-Go GeoCashing! Because I've never done it.

By the way, we are aware of the fact that most of our dates consist of getting some type of food. The couple that weighs together stays together?

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  1. LOVE this! i have done it with a couple of my boyfriends and it is so fun!!! :) I love the fort and redbox idea, food crawl, annnnd the 5 year anniversary plan!! :) oh and the strip!!! Oooo la la I just can't wait to have a hubby!!

    1. Thanks Rach!! :) it's so much better writing them down so you actually can follow through! If you have any ideas send them my way!!

  2. Ummmm...where is late night with your favorite nieces and nephews? I thought that would be top on your list. It is top on mine!

    1. Haha!! i think that goes under baby sitting :) bring them over!!

  3. I call dibs on the baby-sitting night.

    You forgot a few Gourley favorites:

    Pass the pigs
    Laser tag at Trafalga (with Caden)
    Free hot dogs at RC willey
    Trailer shopping (take Tom G for a real good time...)
