Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Want to know what a clear sign of transitioning into adultohood is? When all of your conversations at the dinner table have to do with the state of your yard (AND maybe when you start blogging about it?). We're not the only ones talking about our yard, though. We have had SO many neighbors come up and congratulate us on saving the yard. 

To give you an idea with what we were dealing with before, Chris picked up so much garbage around the house, like, actual garbage, we had a woman in our neighborhood come up and ask if we would let her rabbits come and feast on our dandelion infested yard (okay lady we get it our yard sucks!), and the first thing people would say to us when we first moved in was, "Oh man, we're so happy there will be someone in that house to take care of the yard now." Yes, our yard was quite the talk of the town... and we caved into the pressure and finally did something about it!

"Can you drive by our house really slow so I can admire our yard?"
You'd have thought it was Christmas morning when we got our curbing done. We talked about it for a week straight. Then we put the soil in and planted--that's when I knew we were full-blown adulting! The excitement over flowers + trees + greenery was uncanny! Now that our yard is all done, we find ourselves going outside every evening just to sit and admire it. Okay, and maybe I've already mentioned that we should get some bird feeders, because adulting, guys! 

Take THAT rabbit lady! 

. . . now let's hope we're adult enough to keep all our plants alive. 

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  1. This is awesome! Isn't adulating fun?! Haha. The to-do list just keeps growing the more we adult doesn't it… Your yard looks great!

  2. Yessss I can relate to this so much. When we moved into our house last summer our backyards was literally all weeds, and had just never been taken care of. A lot of the weeds as tall, or taller, than me! We put in our sod in May and have had so many compliments about how good we've made our house look. Love it.
