Saturday, June 11, 2016

Clean Simple Eats Challenge


That's what I've been asking myself as I've been preparing to do the Clean Simple Eats Summer Challenge with my sister-in-law, Kat. But wait, I know exactly who I am! I am someone who has shamefully been living off of Diet Dr. Pepper + Dove Chocolate this week and it's only the first week of Summer! I am someone who is sick and tired of feeling. . . well, sick and tired! Okay, okay, and maybe I'm tired of being a mermaid and want just a liiiiittle thigh gap? So, as Barney Stinson would say, CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.

If you're not familiar with Clean Simple Eats, it's a 40 day meal plan which entails lots of "clean eating" with foods that are definitely new to my kitchen--greek yogurt, protein powder, peanut butter in powder form ("What the freak is that?!" said Chris) and a bunch of other foods that my love handles just scream 'EW!' at. But don't get me wrong, I am pretty excited about this! I have never done anything like this before + my sister in law had such a good experience with it last year, so even though I'm a little nervous, I'm feeling pretty good about it!

Anyway, in order to hold some kind of accountability for me since I'm a "my diet starts Monday" type of gal + a major lover of junk food, I thought I'd post this on the blog and maybe do a couple of updates along the way? Which I'm sure will involve a little whining and humor and NO awkward before and after pictures--unless I end up looking like Jen Aniston, in which case there will be a lot of afters.

Okay, and maybe I'm hoping that those of you who read my blog will be inspired? But mostly I just want you to tell me to STOP IT RIGHT NOW if you see me start using the hashtag, #cleaneating, or Snapchatting every single thing I eat.  Promise you will? Thanks.

Wish me luck!
And if you really want to join in on the fun, click here.

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  1. I did the Whole 30 in January (30 days of SQUEAKY clean eating) and it was such a great experience. I never realized how terrible eating processed foods and tons of sugar made me feel until I cut them out of my diet. It was hard cooking/cleaning EVERY SINGLE MEAL, but it was totally worth it.

    I've gone back to some bad habits since, but now that I realize all my joint pain, etc is coming from my diet, it encourages me to stay on the straight and narrow. Good luck with your challenge, you're going to feel amazing! #kaleisgood? #notreally #butstill #cleaneating ;)

  2. love this!!!!! even though im hungry and want a chocolate cookie soooooo bad.
