Monday, September 22, 2014

mundaneness mondayness

You  know it's Monday when...

-the milk:cereal ratio is off. And by off, I mean there's half a gallon of milk in the fridge, and less than 1/4 cup of Reese's Puffs left.

-you're late to class... twice.

-your husband accidentally took your lunch to work.

-you're sporting the top-knot for the third day in a row.

-you studied all day for a test you thought was today, then found out it's not until Wednesday.

-you remembered you have to speak in church on Sunday (I'm never letting Chis answer an "unknown" number. ever. again.).

-you get hit in the leg with a softball.

-"Aunt Flo" drops in to say hello.

-you forget the tostada shells at the grocery store--the whole reason you went there in the first place.

-you cry after forgetting said tostada shells (thanks, aunt Flo!).

-your "light" sour cream is in need of about 180 more calories.

-you're midway through Zumba class and you realize you forgot to shave your armpits.

-the highlight of your day is eating a chocolate pumpkin spice caramel while watching Grey's.

-you're already asking, "Is it Friday, yet?!" (or "is it Wednesday, yet?!" because it's my birthday on Wednesday! aka my annual dinner at Texas Roadhouse!)

Don't worry, though. My Monday wasn't all that bad, I did find out I don't have to take my independent study class to graduate. *heel click* + I filled out my Swig card. Yes...there's light at the end of the tunnel! Rainbows after rain! Or to be quite honest, Dr. Pepper in the back of the fridge!

Congrats on making it through another Monday, ya'll.  

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  1. Shayli, Mike and I love your posts! This is so funny!

  2. hahaha never laughed so hard! I was halfway through delivering a child when I realized I forgot to shave my legs... yes that was the only thing I was worried about while 10 people watched all that... "damn! I forgot to shave my legs."
