Friday, July 18, 2014


After being at the American Fork carnival last night with my Gourley gang, I've come to this conclusion: Carnivals are the most magical/trashy/delicious-smelling/happiest/terrifying things. You know, kind of like Ke$ha (minus the delicious-smelling part). Oh, and that ferris wheels are terrifying and only worth going on for the pictures.

I thought going on the ferris wheel with Chris would be all cutesy and magical like Ryan and Marissa on The O.C. or even The Notebook, but it wasn't. Mostly because we didn't kiss at the top + Chris didn't climb it with his bare hands just to get my attention so I'd go out on a date with him. I wonder why Chris thinks my standards are too high?! Also, Chris takes no consideration into the huge letters behind the carts that say, "DANGER! DO NOT ROCK SEATS" and starts rocking the moment we sit in it. But, I will say that it is pretty cutesy and magical to watch Chris go on the rides with all the little kids-makes my heart melt like a popsicle on the 4th of July!

I think the best part of the night was when we took our nieces and nephews on the ride called "Gee Wizz." I was pretty impressed that they were willing to go on it because it was a huge step up from the little dragon roller coaster ride they had just went on minutes before. I think Chris was even a little nervous to go on it ha (he's much more of a water park kind of guy). I had never laughed so hard in my life watching my nieces and nephews on that ride! I had Morgan on my left giggling but also squeezing my hand a little tighter than usual, and then on my right was Abby who was showing no type of emotion whatsoever, like usual--so stinkin' funny. As I type this I realize this is probably one of those you just had to be there-moments, but trust me, it was funny! I love my Gourley girls.

I hope that the Steel Days carnival becomes a Gourley family tradition so that in a couple of years I'll be able to talk the kids into going on The Ring of Fire with me, but I could just as easily settle for getting together once a year strictly to eat funnel cake.

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  1. All you really need in life is a good funnel cake

    1. I only think of you when someone mentions funnel cake! Seriously.

  2. I love these pictures! The bright colors make it look magical and a lot less dingy than in real life...

    1. Hahah DINGY! That is the perfect word to describe a carnival :) My favorite picture is Chris with Bryce and Colton!
