Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Liebster Award

Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day! I wish I could say ours was super exciting and we did fun things like hiking, boating, or anything else everyone in Utah did ;) But we kept it simple and stuck to Chris fixing our leaky kitchen sink, playing some tennis, stopping at our beloved Swig, and having a little BBQ with our friends. Glamorous, no?

Anyway, onto more exciting things! Like the fact that there are people that I'm not related to that read my blog! And by people, I really mean my cute friend, Sheree, who was the one who nominated me for this Liebster Award (Liebster--not Lobster, which is unfortunately how I read it every single time and then I start thinking of Ross and Rachel and how they're each other's "lobsters"). Basically it's just a little award circulating the blogging world that's a great way to get to know more about bloggers and find new blogs to follow.

The Rules:
+Provide a link back to the blogger who nominated you
+Post 11 facts about you
+Answer 11 random questions set by the blogger who nominated you
+Nominate 5 bloggers with under 200 followers for the award
+Write 11 questions for them to answer
+Let the nominees know that you have nominated them


11 Facts:
1. I wish I was blonde. Not Ombre-blonde or highlights-blonde. Just blonde. 

2. Me and Chris met on a blind date (thanks, Lisa!).

3. I am a crier. An ugly crier, too. Like, Kim-Kardashian-crying-ugly. It doesn't matter if I'm happy, sad, mad, excited, or afraid--I'm crying.

4. I have a huge crush on Ron Weasley. 

5. The only person I like to share food with is Chris, but I'm a huge can I have one bite?-er.

6. Speaking of food... that's my love language.

7. Tangled > Frozen.

8. I'm terrified of heights, but I consider sky diving at least once a day, and then my body reminds me that's crazy and that could kill me. Cue: mini panic attack.

9. My best friend is my sister, Shelby.

10. Sometimes, I really wish I was alive during the 50's so I could be "50's housewife". I think I'd be awesome at it. Also, I support traditional gender roles--sue me.

11.  I love anything in the chocolate/peanut butter family. Reese's eggs have my heart (and clogged arteries).

And now, the questions:

1. Favorite childhood memory?
That's tough... I would have to say basically any memory I have with my cousin, JJ. We were always doing weird things like making barbie houses out of video tapes and dish towels or getting chased by dogs on our walks around the neighborhood :)

2. What is your hobby?
Does eating count? For as much as I eat I'd like to think it counts. I also love to run! 

3.When did you start blogging and what is your most popular post?
I started blogging when every other girl in Utah does... after I got married of course! You can read my most popular post here

4. Favorite junk food?
Anything and everything. Chocolate, chips, cookies, soda (did you really think I could make it through a whole post without mentioning Dirty DP?!) you name it, I eat it. Then I ask you if you're gonna finish that.

5. Favorite healthy food?
Vegetables! I love veggies--except for green beans. Those are just wrong. I would take a plate of veggies over a plate of fruit any day.

6. Where is the most amazing place you've ever been?
That's tough to say after just going on a Caribbean cruise. Ah! If I had to choose I would have to say Cancun. It was just like the definition of paradise + hello! There's pina coladas there!

7. How would your describe you style?
I would describe it as "my sister wore it first". I basically just copy everything she wears, but when I'm not copying her, I'm usually looking butch-tastic in basketball shorts and old sports T-shirts. 

8. What are your current favorite TV shows?
How I Met Your Mother, The Vampire Diaries, and basically anything on the Food Network.

9. Do you watch Youtube videos, and if so, what are your favorite channels?
If I'm on Youtube, that means I'm watching makeup tutorials by my girl crush Jaclyn Hill! Usually while I'm looking all butch-tastic too, so I'm a little too convincing calling her my girl crush.

10. What's your best advice for people looking to grow their blogs?
Ha! I'm still learning. I'm not even sure how much I'm trying to "grow my blog" since it's a blog-eat-blog world out there... but my advice would be to just be yourself and don't focus on the numbers. There's more to life than those numbers, I promise.

11. What is the most rewarding part of blogging? 
For me it's the praise and comments on all my thoughts. I love when people tell me they read my blog and love it. Plus, it's nice to just have somewhere to put all your thoughts and be able to look back on them.

Now I nominate:

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  1. Loved this entire post shay! You are my favorite! So now what are my questions to answer?

    1. Thanks, Ali! I'll send the questions to you :)

  2. Butchtastic--- hahahaha! That was great. Love this post. I love that you love food as much as me..

    1. Thanks, Rach! I'm glad someone understands this deep, slightly inappropriate relationship I have with food ;)

  3. Okay I just stumbled across your blog and I'll admit I have been stalking.. haha My husband and I have been addicted to How I Met Your Mother lately, we watch an episode every night! Anyway, your blog is adorable!

    1. Thanks, Madi! I'm glad you commented so I could find your blog. And there is no shame in stalking... I am pro at it :)
