Sunday, May 11, 2014

a tribute to my mama

Since my blog is the only form of social media that my mom looks at (or really knows how to look at), I thought I would write a little tribute to her, ya know, since she wouldn't get to see an Instagram picture of us at my wedding and the caption being something along the lines of, "I don't know what I would do without my mom. She is the most selfless person I know, she is always there for me..." blah blah blah. Plus, blog shout-outs count as Mother's Day presents, right? ;)

In all seriousness though, I have so much love for my mom. I think everyone needs a Jelynn Sanderson in their lives! The older I get (especially now that I'm married), the more I realize how much I have taken her for granted. All those years of home-cooked meals, folded laundry, trips to the dentist that were always followed by Purple Turtle or Taco Amigo, letting me lay in her bed when I was sick, and just her constant friendship and support in general! Keep in mind, this was all happening while she was working full time, too.

Even today there are times I find myself taking her for granted. Hey mom, what's for dinner tonight? Could I come and borrow some apricot jam? (which always results in me leaving her storage room with two grocery bags full of food and cleaning supplies), and Oh, that's a cute shirt! Can I borrow it? You'd think after asking her all of these things 947+ times she'd finally crack and say, "No Shayli! Grow up and do things by yourself already!" but she doesn't. She just smiles and replies in the affirmative enthusiastically. This just goes to show that motherhood is a lifelong job, and not just until your kids grow up and move away.

Mom, you are my best friend. I know a lot of people use the expression "I don't know what I'd do without you," but when it comes to you, I know exactly what I would do without you--I would curl up in the fetal position and cry in a corner everyday of my life. Thank you  for teaching me that rainy days are for baking cinnamon rolls and that it's okay to have just fries for lunch and that Doris Day movies are the best and popcorn is mandatory at the movies and that you can never have too much butter/sour cream/cream cheese/anything that really isn't good for you. You make me so excited to become a mom someday! I only hope that I wear motherhood as beautifully and as effortlessly as you have. I love you, mom.

Happy Mother's Day!

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p.s. it's time to start taking more pictures together.

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