Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I just wanted BOO!

Yesterday, something happened that I don't think has happened once since I've been married-or anytime in my life for that matter-I was actually ready for the day + did a craft (by myself!) + made dinner. I've done all those things, but not all at the same time. Heel click! The fact that I was triple threat-ing it yesterday made me think that I should always act like my classes are cancelled, or maybe convince Chris that I should just be a stay-at-home wife. You know, like a stay-at-home mom? But without the being a mom part.

Since I was busy not going to class, I decided to go to Hobby Lobby and get supplies for a craft that I saw on Pinterest. This craft was perfect me because it required almost little to no crafting abilities. Behold:

                                                                                          This would be so easy to make! You could use stencils and make the letters out of black bristle board. Or buy wooden letters at craft shop and paint them black.

Apparently there are a lot of people who think like me and like easy crafts because when I got to the wooden letter aisle at Hobby Lobby, there were no B's or O's to be found! I even lowered my standards and considered getting the curly wood letters that I hate, but nope! No B's or O's there, either. Thanks a lot, Pinterest! After triple-checking the aisle, I just started to walk aimlessly around Hobby Lobby, because let's be honest, who goes in there and leaves with nothing?! Finally, I decided to just make another burlap wreath since that's the only other craft I'm capable of making, but then a stroke of genius hit me--Why not put "BOO" on my wreath?! Another heel click, please! 

Halloween Wreath How-To:

1. Have your aunt Joelle teach you how to make a burlap wreath months in advance.
2. Skip class, and go to Hobby Lobby with no intentions of making a wreath.
3. Lower your crafting standards and decide to make a wreath, even though you already have one.
4. Watch Breaking Bad while assembling wreath.
5. Go to your mom's house to use her hot glue gun, because you don't have one + she made chocolate cake!
6. Hang up your new wreath and be sure to remember to post it on Instagram for validation.

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