Friday, May 3, 2013


I'm cringing already. Thinking about things that make me uncomfortable makes me...well, uncomfortable--let alone writing about it. I'll try to make this post as least discomforting as possible. That being said, I should warn you that this post may contain some thoughts on urinating.

...still reading? High-five to you! Alright, here it goes.

Conflict. Not so much the kind of conflict between me and someone else, but the kind of conflict that happens in public places, and I'm on the sidelines watching. Whenever I see people fighting, my body just goes numb, and my heart just starts racing. I can't handle it! For example, when I was at a basketball game with Chris, two guys started shoving each other, and the next thing I know, both benches are cleared. Did I mention these were grown men? Or the fact that it was a REC basketball game? Yeah... And to make it even more uncomfortable, one of the referees joined the shoving and yelling, and then a player's wife decided it would be a good idea if she got involved. My heart is racing just retelling the tale! and not in a good way.

Bathrooms. I think we all can agree that public bathrooms are just awkward. It's even more awkward when you cross paths with someone you know and you both sit down on the toilet at the same time and you just wait...because you sure as heck aren't going to be the one who initiates the peeing. Nope. You're going to sit there in silence mentally kicking yourself for not thinking to turn on the hand dryer, and wait until some blessed soul walks in and makes some noise to break the silence. Also, how uncomfortable is it when you're in the bathroom with someone who doesn't seem to care how much sound they're making? Grunts, moans, and any other descriptive words you can think of to describe the noises you hear in public bathrooms... acca-awkward. TMI? I would say sorry, but it should make you uncomfortable.

Sex scenes. Okay, it's not really watching movies with sex scenes that make me uncomfortable, it's more who I'm watching the movie with when a sex scene comes on (wow...too many sex words in that one sentence!). I thought it was uncomfortable with my parents in the same room, but oh no, then I experienced watching that kind of movie with my in-laws. Never. again. The thought just makes me want to curl up in a corner and die.

I think that's enough discomfort for one blog post... but I'd just like to add how uncomfortable it is to be home by yourself on a Friday night while your husband is out hunting turkeys.


  1. Hahahahaha I freakin love you. PS i'm back on insta @rachyelise ;)

    1. That is music to my ears! :) I'll add you!

    2. i Love you shay. thanks for being such a good friend through all the years. :)

  2. Oh Shayli, I about peed my pants! Mike would like to know what movie though. :) And the turkey thing: oh. my. heavens. There was this one time, a week before Mike and I got married, where we were making out, at Mike's Grandma's house (where we would be living once married. Mike's mom stopped by to bring back some clean curtains, and totally caught us in the action (legal, still temple friendly action) but BEYOND embarrassing.

    1. Haha! I'm glad that never happened to me and Chris. I don't even remember what movie it was.... we've watched a lot of movies with them :) But I remember the awkwardness haha!

  3. Oh, and I forgot to add, Jason was in the car, and Martha came up behind the window and knocked. I could not even look her in the eye, and sent Mike to go and talk to her.

  4. Now that I've been stalking your blog for my life, you crack me up girl! That sex scene thing is funny. I cannot IMAGINE!


    1. Haha! Good to know I'm being stalked by someone other than a family member ;) and by YOU! I love your blog!! But yeah... I don't recommend sex scenes with the in-laws... NO BUENO!
