Wednesday, May 15, 2013

10 things that make me really happy.

Just so you know... this blog every day in May challenge has quickly faded into a big, fat screw it. I'm going to do the topics when I feel like it, okay? Good. Glad we cleared that up. Anyway, here are 10 things that make me really happy (in no particular order).

1. Shelbs. My sister, my best friend. I love our world of curled lips, flared out nostrils, inside jokes, secret shopping trips, and just being flat out ugly.
2. When Chris holds my hand when we're going to sleep.
3. Compliments. Preferably from strangers, but I'll take whatever I can get!
4. FOOD. It makes me a lot happier than it probably should. Currently pico or peanut butter is the way to my heart.
5. The Gospel + Going to the temple.
6. Swooning Chris with my cooking skills. Just give me a new recipe Pinterest... I dare you.
7. Fridates with Chris.
8. My nieces and nephews--the most hilarious tiny humans.The Gourleys and Sandersons have raised the bar pretty dang high for cute kids.
9. The Ellen Show. I don't think there's been a time I've watched that show and NOT cried.
10. If you have actually taken the time to read all the way to #10, bless you! THAT makes me happy.
11. Oh, and of course Harry Potter makes me extremely happy.

Anyone who knows me, knows I don't like even numbers--hence #11.

1 comment:

  1. You don't like even numbers? Well, I don't like odd numbers. Look at us. We're twins, sort of! haha! LOVE the ellen show. Could watch that my whole life, 24/7.

