Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Caribbean Cruise Edition!

We're baaaaaack! Don't mistake that exclamation point for happiness though...we would much rather be back in the Caribbean. BUT it is good to be home and not feel short of breathe walking up the stairs and suffering from the meat sweats every night ;) We had a blast on our cruise! Especially with our favorite "roomies" Tom and Martha! They're the best. Anyway, I've tried my best to keep this post as short and sweet as possible, because lezbehonest, nobody REALLY cares that you went on Vacation. Amirite or amirite?! (try to) Enjoy some pictures and highlights from our cruise!

The Good:
-the Sweat's came with us! they were so fun and always had snacks on-hand for us :)
-steak + chocolate cake every night! (which called for a strict chest-and-above photo policy)
-snorkeling in Cozumel! looking at that water will never get old
-kissing stingrays in Grand Cayman (sadly, not pictured on my camera)
-bobsledding & climbing the Dunn's River Falls in Jamaica
-no problems in Jamaica, just "situations"
-the huge bowl of extra butter our waiter brought every single night
-the shows every night! everything from singers and dancers to jugglers on unicycles! + Christina Bianco... if you don't know who that is, YouTube her! I've never heard a better Celine Dion impression in my life!
-the burgers and fries by the pool
-our nightly ritual of getting in the hot tub and then going up to the cafe to "just get a drink of juice" which quickly turned into pizza (are you sensing a pattern of our eating habits on the cruise yet??)
-Martha asking for two chocolates on her pillows
-getting towel animals (we discovered that we had to straighten up our room really good to get one)
-TomG winning the free slot pull tournament (it doesn't count if you didn't put any money in the machine...right?!)
-Bernie celebrated his 90th birthday with his family! who, according to their matching t-shirts, "put the "fun" in dysfunctional"
-Chris wearing his vest to formal night
-Bekah doing a cartwheel on each island :)
-Chris actually considering buying me diamonds in Grand Cayman
-playing card games up in the cafe
-Tom G at the front of any and every line :)
-getting a free pair of earrings and a necklace because my birthday is in September

The Bad:
-we don't know who Bernie is
-the stairs that got harder and harder to climb every day
-being on the ship for 7 days and still getting lost
-not being able to keep up with our olympic swimmer snorkeling guide
-no Dr. Pepper on the ship... me and Martha settled for Mr. Pibb at the airport
-the man in Jamaica who followed us all the way to our bus so we could "tip him" for the wooden Tiki men that we didn't ask him to carve our names in but did it anyway
-the boat rocking and everyone getting sea sick
-the wind in Haiti + the hot dog I ate there
-me not taking advantage of Chris when he wanted to buy me diamonds
-the back scratch I owed Chris after he wore his vest for formal night
-the "other Mormons" who found us--Chris got to hear all about the lady's favorite creamery ice cream flavor ;) nobody wore anything with BYU on it for the rest of the cruise...
-coming back to freezing cold Utah and wearing shorts and flip flops

The Ugly:
-Chris' fannypack
-Tom G's socks + sandals
-Chris' Hawaiian shirt
-my top knot that managed to make an appearance every single day
-the numbers on our bathroom scale right now
-Chris and I doing the Macarena on our way back from Cozumel:

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  1. I love this!!!

    You and Chris look amazing in the formal night pictures.

    I laughed so hard at the things you wrote about the roomies--two chocolates on the pillows, socks+sandals, front of every line...hilarious.

    So fun. I can't wait to hear more.

    1. Thanks, Shell! Haha I knew you'd appreciate those little details about the roomies ;) Don't you think we need another Gourley adult trip?! It's more fun when others can contribute to these lists :) Miss you guys!!

  2. ummm LETS BE HONEST!!!! I LOVE hearing about people's vacations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)))) looks like so much fun!!!! And you look so tiny skinny mini! xoxoxo

    1. Oh my thanks Rache!! I definitely did not feel skinny mini at all lol.

  3. Oh this made me laugh! Thank-you for sharing!

  4. I can't believe Chris brought the Hawaiian shirt.....oh wait, yes I can! Ha ha, looks like you guys had lots of fun. Are you and Becka wearing the same formal dress??

    1. Ugh... the Hawaiian shirt. I can't get rid of it! haha! and no we aren't... but they were super similar! That's actually the dress from JJ's wedding! :)
