Monday, April 14, 2014

Chris' Day!

Saturday was an all things Chris day. Even though it didn't start out like I had in mind, with my pinterest-worthy vision that involved me managing to run 10 miles before Chris had even woke up and have perfect birthday cake waffles with sprinkles on them and an avalanche of balloons fall on him as soon as he opened our bedroom door, it still worked out. Luckily for me, Chris was just fine settling for a bowl of Cinnamon Toasters and going turkey hunting while I was on my run. But hey, it's the thought that counts.... right?

Having no real plans for Chris' birthday besides dinner was sort of glamorous, though. As soon as Chris got home from hunting, we went to Firehouse Subs. The cashier there must have subconsciously known it was Chris' birthday because he ended up giving us Chris' sandwich for free instead of a free bag of chips and a drink like our coupon said. We just thought of it as another birthday present for Chris (judge us).

After lunch Chris decided to go get a massage while I stayed home and made his "Better Than Twenty Sex" Birthday cake (And yes, I already used that joke on Instagram...but that joke was brilliant people, BRILLIANT!). After his massage, we went to Gunnies to find him a holster for his gun, and then came home and watched 5 episodes of How I Met Your Mother while we waited for our dinner reservations--it was bliss. 

To top it all off we met our friends at Outback and ate way too much food. Then we came back to our house to top that off with some cake and Nintendo 64--Chris was in heaven. It was a successful day and I'm so happy that Chris enjoyed it all. That's one of the great things about Chris--he is happy with anything that you give him (even new clothes for his birthday present! ha). 

Clash of Clans... every wife's nightmare.
Raise your hand if you think Chris looks good with a baby...

I love you, Chris Gourley! 26 has never looked so good. Let the countdown to 30 begin.... ;)

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  1. Chris looks great with a baby. ;) Cute post and such a fun guy to have in the family!

  2. I love Marshall, ahem, Chris.

    5 episodes of HIMYM??? I remember Chad and I used to get through an entire season of the Office in one weekend. Compare that with just last night when we stopped an episode of modern family halfway through to put Tessa to bed. Enjoy the episode marathon dream while you have it!

    But, I digress.

    Happy Birthday Chris! You're more important to me than any end table, despite what my texts said on your birthday.
