Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Move Over Dr. Seuss...

Raise your hand if you think these two are the cutest couple ever.
Hard to believe that babe on the left is 50, seeing as how she could easily pass as my sister! Milf town population: Jelynn!
Aren't those decorations the cutest?! My sister-in-law Janeene is just awesome like that!

March 2nd is not just a day you eat green eggs and ham and celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday, it's a day you celebrate one of the greatest people on this earth--my mom! Today we celebrated Jelynn being on this earth for 50 years! Can you even believe that? FIFTY! It was just a little weird for me to think that I've been around for half of my mom's life now... Ah! Age is so weird. 

Anyway, to the woman who always had the best chocolate chip cookies waiting for me after school, the only person in the world who I was okay with waking me up in the mornings, the woman who took me to get my first bra (despite all my tears about being the only 3rd grader in a bra...ha!), the woman who taught me to love musicals and Doris Day movies and Cher and Lifetime Movies, the woman who always reminded me to be nice and say hi to everyone, the woman who pronounces 'cheeseburger' as 'cheesebooger', the woman who I call 20 times while making a recipe to try and get it to be "just like hers," the woman who all grandkids are just genetically programed to love more than their parents, the woman who calls me "Punkie," who is my best friend, and the woman who I want to be like when I grow up. . . HAPPIEST OF HAPPY BIRTHDAYS TO YOU!!! Forget Dr. Seuss, March 2nd is definitely YOUR day!

Happy 50th Birthday, mom. Please bless I look even half as good as you when I'm 50!

Your favorite daughter

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