Friday, January 8, 2016

I've said penis a lot this week (#healthteacherprobs)

They say you become like the 5 people you spend the most time with, so I guess that makes me an 8th grade adolescent. Yeah, I guess that makes sense seeing as how I have had to suppress so many giggles throughout this Human Sexuality unit. There's only so many times you can say "testes" and "scrotum" + see the horror on student's faces before it starts to get to you...
Luckily my student's really have been SO mature throughout this unit and not given me any problems. There were only a couple of kids that I saw on the brink of laughing, but they were able to bite their lip and pretend to cough in their sleeve so that I wouldn't have to send them to the library and make a phone call home. Besides that, my student's have been on the best behavior that I've seen all semester. Pretty sure Sex Ed is the true secret to classroom management.

It's crazy to me that there's only two weeks left this semester--I'm not ready to say goodbye to my students! I've found myself getting sad at the thought of not seeing them (most of them anyway...) anymore after this term. Then I start having the teacher thoughts like, Am I really making an impact in their lives? Are they going to remember anything from health class?! Those are the most discouraging thoughts for teachers, at least for me they are. I hope that they have learned a thing or two, and will remember Mrs. Gourley's health class!
Even though I'm not ready to say goodbye to my first group of student's, I am ready for the weekend.... and to not have to say the va-jay-jay word and other reproductive parts 100 times a day. Because I'm an 8th grade adolescent at heart, remember?


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  1. OMG how funny! I think there would be more giggles in 5th, when my son learned some human body stuff. By eighth they are probably embarrassed! I bet it is hard to keep a straight face, I know it would be for me!

    1. Haha! Yes, 8th grade they are just embarrassed and don't want to make eye contact with anyone... I can only imagine 5th grade!

  2. LOL. Right?! It's so hard not to nickname the testes! And I just try to avoid saying vagina if I can help it... I hate that word!
