Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Things Students Say

"Why can't the government just stop trying to destroy our lives and find a way to make Twinkie's healthy?!" (Another student's response to that statement:) "That's a good idea! All of the moneys should be used for that!"

"My dog ran into my knee so I can't run the mile today."

"I can't run because I have this crazy disease where when I go through growth spurts I faint and pass out." (sidenote: a whole blog could/should be dedicated to excuses given by student's in PE)

"Mrs. Gourley, I have a name that you can call me: Honolulu!"

(boy student) "What's PSM??" (the article he read was talking about PMS) *girls start giggling* Me: "We'll learn more about that in our human sexuality unit, bud..."  boy: "Ohhh, wait! I think that's when my mom and sister's get cranky!"

After asking a student about what happens if we don't eat enough calories: "We get fricken malnourished!!!"

"Are you not calling on me because I'm brown?"

"Can I just pull out my phone and play FIFA while you explain this? I already know how to play soccer."

"Is your husband blonde? I think I might know him!" (in the middle of my lesson on food labels)

"Look, it's Oprah! I love her!" (it was Michelle Obama)

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Obviously, there's never a dull moment in Jr. High.

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  1. Oh my goodness! This is hysterical!! HAHA!

  2. How do you keep a straight face?

  3. Haha 😂 too funny. Do you ever just laught out loud? Or do you have a good game face?

    1. I try really hard to keep the game face on, but most the time I just have to laugh out loud haha how could I not?!
