Monday, July 15, 2013

that one time I got Chris to take me to a zombie movie.


Sometimes I feel like I'm the man in our relationship. Mostly because of my appetite. Trust me when I say that there is nothing lady-like about it. Also, Chris knows how to sew a button onto his pants and I don't--nor do I have the desire to learn how. And finally, because this past Friday, I was the one that had to convince Chris to go see the movie World War Z* (Chris wanted to see Monsters University), ya know, that zombie, end-of-the-world apocalypse movie?

Well, after much promising of back massages and sexual favors (kidding, kidding! that's gross), I got Chris to oblige. Since we had free movie passes (thanks, Mike and Em!) we decided that we were going to make this a cheap date and swindle the movie theater system! How? By buying our own treats and sneaking them in my purse, like one newlywed couple does, of course. So we went to Smith's and bought two big bags of Skittles and M&M's that were on sale for 2 for $5! Take that normal-priced movie theater with up to date movies! We were going to watch a movie for FREE and only spend FIVE BUCKS on our date!

Feeling so pleased with ourselves, we opened our Skittles and M&M's and started to devour them during the previews. About midway through our candy, I realized that there is a reason movie theaters make all their money from popcorn--It's impossible to go to the theater and not buy popcorn! I needed to counteract all the sweetness I had just consumed in an embarrassingly short amount of time. After promising more back massages and sexual favors (KIDDING! I promise I'm done) Chris gave me his wallet to go get some popcorn.

After disobeying orders from Chris and buying the large popcorn instead of the medium (Babe, it was only 75 cents more for a large!), we were $7.25 poorer. Then again, after eating some popcorn, I realized that there is a reason movie theaters make all their money from concessions--you need a drink to wash down the popcorn. This time it was Chris' turn to get up and take the walk of shame out of the theater. When he returned, he informed me that we were now $6.00 poorer, and we both learned our lesson on trying to swindle Cinemark, or any non-dollar movie theater for that matter.

Our grand total for the night: $18.25 (more than buying actual tickets would cost)

Well played movie theater, well played.

*Can we just talk about how good World War Z actually was?! SO INTENSE! Even Chris, who was skeptical when I told him it was about zombies, liked it! The only thing that I didn't like about it was the fact that you can see how old Brad Pitt is getting... No matter. He's still a fox.


  1. Hahahahahaha you are NOT KIDDING about sexual favors!!! ;)

    Love the "Chris gave me his wallet" how sweet:)

    Don't worry we share the same manly appetite... but i think our looks make up for it ;)

    I LOVED world war z! I saw it with Parks! The only part i couldn't handle was the zombie chattering his teeth..... i will admit i BUSTED up laughing in the theatre. Nonetheless Brad Pitt will forever be a total BABE!

    1. Oh my I know everyone in our theater busted up at that part too! hahahah. Oh, and we may share the same manly appetite Rach, but we do not share the same figure sadly haha somehow you manage to stay teeny tiny! (probably because you exercise for a living and I don't... ha). Umm... and what is this nonsense about you not blogging anymore? PLEASE RECONSIDER!!! :(

    2. I feel like no one reads my blog??? Like maybe it's just boring and dull and no one wants to hear about my pathetic life? Hahaha. I feel like I am such a terrible blogger as well...

    3. I READ YOUR BLOG! Don't be lame... just keep blogging haha. I feel like that too sometimes, Rach. Don't worry, I only have 7 readers ;)

  2. Hilarious! Why don't you guys just go to the sticky shoe? I'm pretty sure Chris gets free popcorn and drinks for life there.

  3. Haha we will be now that we learned our lesson! We usually go to Water Gardens, but I really just wanted to use our movie passes :)
