Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Fridate on a Tuesday

Ahh Utah... where the shorts come to the knees, fry sauce is readily available (a main reason I never want to leave Utah), and where we celebrate Pioneer Day! I love it. Since me and Chris don't have to work on Pioneer Day tomorrow, we decided to treat today like a Friday. So what did we do? We went to a bar. Yes--a bar. Even it was just for the burgers. Ohhhh man. The burgers! If you have ever talked to me or Chris, chances are we've already talked your ear off about Lucky 13's burgers. So to save yourself an earful, just go there and get a burger, okay? You won't regret it. Oh, and don't let the names of the burgers throw you off, either. The Bacon Stinky burger is ahhhh-mazing. I was going to try the Nut Butter (snicker, snicker) burger that has peanut butter, bacon, and cheese on it, but I wussed out. No matter! I have already pinky promised myself that I am getting it the next time we go no matter how much my mind tries to convince me that peanut butter and meat just don't go together.

Tonight I was reminded of how different married life is compared to dating life. Mostly because me and Chris were sitting in complete silence scarfing down our dinner and did not feel one ounce of  pressure to keep a conversation going (is that bad?).The fact that I ordered a burger called the Bacon Stinky (bacon + blue cheese + onions) and extra garlic-y fries, blatantly knowing that I did not have a single piece of gum in my purse to aid the stinky after dinner, is an unfortunate reminder for Chris that we have transitioned into  married-dating and not just dating anymore (no joke, I used to carry two packs of gum in my purse when I was dating Chris because I was so self conscious of my breath ha!). Perhaps the biggest realization was when me and Chris relieved our full bellies of buttoned up pants (which get tighter and tighter everyday) once completely out of the public eye?

Oh married life, I wouldn't trade you for anything--not even for the ability to keep my top button on my pants done up all day.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Love this!! There is nothing like a good burger!!! And a good hubby to down it with ;))
