Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I have a serious problem...

Okay, okay.
 Maybe it's not a SERIOUS problem...but it's definitely a problem.
I cry.

Not because I'm sad, but because I'm happy! Well, most of the time it's because I'm happy... I think? Maybe happy isn't the right way to explain this crying problem I have. It almost feels like my body isn't capable of handling so much happy at once. It's like a big, air-filled ball of happy rises up in my chest when I get really happy or excited, and the only way to get it out is through my eyes haha. Did I mention that this ball of happy usually comes around at the most ridiculous times? Because that's kind of the reason it's a problem. 

The silliest things trigger my eyeballs to start shooting out tears! I'm telling you this right now because I just finished wiping my tears away after a girl at my work came and found me just to tell me that an old lady that I had just got off the phone with, called back to customer service just to say that I was the nicest person she's ever talked to on the phone (don't worry, I held it together while the girl from customer service told me this). This actually isn't even bad compared to the things that have and still do make me cry. The sample list that I'm about to share with you isn't something I'm exactly proud of...

-Google commercials
-singing really loud
-The Ellen Show
-the end of the movie Bring It On when they do their cheer routines
-the opening credits of The Hunger Games
-when someone else cries (happy or sad)
-the song "Call Me, Maybe"
-cheering for Justin Bieber at his concert
-having a good song come on while I'm running
-things I learn at school (I may or may not have cried in math class at a youtube video my teacher showed us...)
 -when the primary sings

There is so much more I could add to the list, but I'll stop before you REALLY start judging me :) 
Someone please tell me they cry at things like this too?! 


  1. Hahaha Shay!! This is great. You did manage to leave out the part about you crying about the nice old lady when you told me about it at work.. haha

  2. You know, I absolutely do.

    I didn't used to be like this either! It's only been in the past year or so. But I will cry like a baby. ESPECIALLY at that one Google commercial. Just cry and cry and cry. You are not alone! Haha. (:

  3. Haha thank goodness I'm not the only one!

  4. -the song "Call Me, Maybe"

    "Hey I just read this
    You may be crazy!
    But we still love you,
    so don't cry Shayli!"

  5. shayli hahahahaha i just died and seriously laughed out loud. ummm are you and chris expecting?.... haha jk. i'm so happy you're happy! i was thinking about that when i got your cute thank you wedding card. i've never seen you so happy in my life!! and it makes me all sorts of happy to know you're happy. in fact just thinking aobut how long we have been friends and what a hero you are to me makes me cry!
