Monday, March 17, 2014

a kind of eventful weekend

Weekends have been a little dry at the Gourley house for a while now. I blame Utah weather + basketball games + my leggings. But this weekend we actually got out and did some stuff! So I'm documenting, because who knows, maybe someday our children will look deep into the archives of this blog, and see that their graying parents were once fun and did more than drive to Swig on the weekends? Anyway, here is our semi-eventful weekend brought to you by the crafty use of bullet points ;)

+ After weeks of bugging/begging Chris, he finally took me to Cafe Rio, and it did not disappoint. It never does. I heart you, Cafe Rio.
+ I got to tag along on Chris' date with his new girlfriend (or my sister wife, as Mama Gourley says), his handgun. Actually, if we're being honest, his gun is more like his child. He's constantly holding it, caressing it, and trying to keep it clean! Anyway, we hiked up in the mountains to go shoot it. A piece of advice: Do not go hiking immediately after shoveling down Cafe Rio. Cafe Rio gut is REAL and it hurts.
+ We finally went and visited our friends Tyson and Lisa + their new beautiful baby, Claire! Who is so good at making me think that I'm ready to have a baby and then immediately reminding me that I'm not. I'll just be a baby cuddler for now.
+ Started the day off by running 10 miles with my brother, Dugan! We crushed it, and probably our knees, but it was such a good run besides the crazy gusts of wind we had to run through. I'm so glad I have someone to train for this marathon with!
+ Chris played in 2 ward basketball games, and then went shooting (surprise?) with his buddies.
+ Me and my sister-in-laws celebrated Deanna's birthday by having a "favorite things" party. If you don't know what that is, it's basically a party where you bring one of your favorite things for everybody else. I highly recommend it if you like leaving a party with a bunch of gifts ha.It was seriously so much fun. I can't wait until the next one!
+ Chris had a DTR with me. Del Taco Runs are the best at 11:00 at night!...said no one's stomach ever.

+ Chris woke up wanting to go look for some turkeys, so I told him I'd go if we didn't have to get out of the car and hike for them. Before I even finished my sentence Chris explained to me that he put on his slippers so that he "wouldn't be tempted." After about an hour of driving we finally found some (guess who was the one who spotted them?!). Chris was giddy for the rest of the day.
+ We had no intentions of making any lunch so we did what we always do--stopped at my parents. Sure enough, there was a huge container of food in the fridge for us! Bless you, mom. Bless you.
+ Stopped at the Gourley leprechaun party! If we hadn't stuffed our faces at my mom's, we probably would have dished up green waffles and eggs with everybody else! We were sad to miss the leprechaun scavenger hunt since we had a baby blessing to go to, but I'm sure it ended with a lot of happy grandkids.
+ We ended our day with our usual routine of How I Met Your Mother before bed. I'm using this series as a gateway to other series for Chris to watch. I'm thinking Friends will be next...we'll see.

Now that we've given you the illusion of an eventful weekend through bullet points, I'm excited to tell you that our next weekend we'll be having is going to require a lot more bullet points... we're leaving for our cruise this week!!! Consider this a warning in advanced for a vacation post, since we all love reading those...

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  1. I'm confused. You have to beg gor Cafe Rio? Who did you marry?!
    Also-10 miles?! You're a goddess.

    1. That's what happens when you and your husband are trying to be "healthy" haha Chris kept putting off taking me!
