Thursday, February 6, 2014

Just Call Me Shamu

We ain't above bathroom selfies.

You'd think after being married over a year we would know all of each other's annoying habits by now, right? Wrong! Chris just recently discovered that I wash my face a little differently than most people. And by most people, I mean everyone.

You know in the face wash commercials when they splash their faces with water coming from all different directions and it's in slow motion? That's how I wash my face (minus the slow motion thing), which results in a completely sopping wet bathroom. Seriously--I'm talkin' puddles of water around our toothbrushes + damp toilet paper + water on our toilet seat. Our bathroom looks like the Soak Zone at Sea World after I wash my face! Which must be why Chris feels it necessary to call out the warning "Oh no, watch out! Here comes Shamu!!" before I go into the bathroom.

How I managed to hide this from Chris for over a year? I'll never know. I just hope the next habit of Chris' I discover lets me give him a nickname that has to do with an animal that weighs over 6 tons....

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  1. haha dude...i HATED how you washed your face. Definitely don't miss that about living with you...poor christy.

  2. Haha!! Maybe I should try the Shamu technique because this acne of mine is INSANE. Cute Shayli. And cute shower curtain!!!

  3. This is why I get in A bath morning and night. Night time is strictly for face washing. That way its okay when my entire body is soaking wet after and the tub walls act as a great splash guard!

  4. That anonymous is creepy why did it say my name is that

    1. Hahaha I'm so glad you clarified that! I got an email first saying an anonymous person commented on my blog and was so scared it was going to be a mean comment and then I read it and thought, "alright maybe it's time to switch to private. .." Haha oh man. I'
      m glad you're not a big, fat middle-aged anonymous man ;)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. So I tried the Shamu technique in the shower and I have to say it really does kind of feel amazing?!!! Haha!
