Friday, August 9, 2013

my manchild

One of the first things I noticed about Chris when we were dating was how good he was with kids. Amazing, actually. Like, so amazing that all my nieces and nephews liked him better than me after only one day of knowing him + causing me to question my child-handling skills (back when I assumed that I had those special skills). But now, I understand why he is so great with kids--he's one himself.

Yes. A taller, hairier, slightly more inappropriate, 25-year-old version of a kid. A manchild, if you will.

His manchild-like behavior includes:

+ Taking more than one mint at Cafe Rio. And by more than one, I mean like 2 handfuls more. Do the outraged stares from Cafe Rio employees and fellow customers get to Chris? Of course not! Manchildren are fearless. Fearless of embarrasing their wives, that is.

+ Teasing me. Just because it's something to do. I pray that our future children do not pick up on this trait of Chris', or Chris just might become the favorite parent. Teasing includes tickling, wrestling, poking, 

+ Needing his juice! Chris will not have any other form of beverage with his breakfast. In all of my 9 months of marriage with him, I have yet to see him drink anything other than Tang, or Crystal Light with his breakfast. I'm not complaining though. I'm all in favor for slapping those extra cals on at breakfast!

+ His "I need a back scratch" routine. This routine can occur anywhere from 2-6 times a day. The routine? 1.give a side glance 2. hunch back over 3. shoulder shimmy. Sometimes, he'll even throw in what I can only assume is supposed to sound like whining puppy noises, but hey, it works.

+ Getting a free pack of smarties from the treasure chest at the grocery store. Every.time. Sometimes when I go to the store by myself I'll even grab one for him just so I can see his face light up when I give it to him.

+ Most recently, buying a kite. Not just any kite, but a Power Ranger kite! I never knew a kite could make someone so giddy. The best part? He even bought it with some of his "allowance."

When I watched Chris fly the kite with our nephew yesterday, I realized that even though I sometimes complain about Chris acting childish, those behaviors are also the very things I love about him. He has all the best qualities that a child has--funny, adventurous, silly, enjoys the little things, care-free, can get along with anyone, etc. Whereas I am like a child in the worst ways, like throwing a fit if I'm not fed, cranky if you wake me up, and pouting if I don't get my way (other than that, I promise I'm a pleasant person to be around). 

I guess what I'm trying to say is....

The next time Chris takes handfuls of Cafe Rio mints, I'll be a little slower to shake my head/roll my eyes ;)


  1. As I was reading this...
    A smile grew across my face which turned into a bigger smile with teeth showing which turned into a huge smile like on how the grinch stole christmas (cartoon character)
    Ummm I think you should be a columnist Shayli!! Not kidding!! Your writing is amazing.
    I share those same childish things with you. I was just thinking about how cranky I am today due to lack of sleep. Don't even get me started when I have fanger (food anger)... haha Chris is a cutie patootie! You got a good one! Love you!

  2. Oh and it ended with a laugh at my computer at work and all the nurses staring at me like I'm high.
    60 hours of work will do that to you right? Haha thanks for making my day with this post!!!! :)
