Wednesday, June 25, 2014

To the stranger who paid for my gas yesterday

....thank you.

Thank you for reminding me to not judge others. I've worked in retail and fast food (at Sonic, because I'm sure you're just dying to know!), so I've seen my fair share of people who's cards were declined. Every time I would have to tell someone their card was declined I would feel so bad, but then I'd immediately judge them. I would think things like, Stop buying things you can't buy! Quit being irresponsible with your money! Do you really need that 44oz diet Coke?!  -by the way, I totally get that now, you really do need that 44oz soda. If I would have known just how embarrassing it really is to have a cashier tell you that your card has been declined, I would have never said anything to those customers. I can't remember the last time I was that embarrassed, especially since I was so dumbfounded by the news! I'm sure my cashier thought I was just pretending. I wouldn't have blamed him for thinking that... I thought like that too.

But after yesterday when I found out my card was declined because of security issues and I was receiving a new one, I immediately felt terrible for all those people I had judged in the past. Even if their cards were being declined because they couldn't afford it--who cares?! Who am I to judge? Why didn't I step in like you and offer to help them? So for that, thank you! I'm grateful for your random (and pricey) act of kindness, because I'm reminded of how powerful service is. I hope that when I find someone who can't pay for their gas, I'll be as quick as you to jump in and help them-no questions asked.

It's comforting to know there are still good people out in the world--I'm ready to be one of 'em.

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  1. I worked in retail too and it was incredibly uncomfortable when people's cards or sometimes checks didn't get approved. I never knew how to say it or what to say afterwards! The truth is that we just never know what the real deal is with people's finances- so thanks for sharing your experience, it's a good reminder!

    By the way, I just stumbled across your blog recently and really enjoy your writing!

    1. Thank you thank you! I'm glad you understand the uncomfortable-ness that comes from telling people their cards or checks didn't go through. It's like, if my manager wasn't right next to me I'd totally buy that cardigan for you because I feel so bad! ha.
