Wednesday, June 25, 2014

To the stranger who paid for my gas yesterday

....thank you.

Thank you for reminding me to not judge others. I've worked in retail and fast food (at Sonic, because I'm sure you're just dying to know!), so I've seen my fair share of people who's cards were declined. Every time I would have to tell someone their card was declined I would feel so bad, but then I'd immediately judge them. I would think things like, Stop buying things you can't buy! Quit being irresponsible with your money! Do you really need that 44oz diet Coke?!  -by the way, I totally get that now, you really do need that 44oz soda. If I would have known just how embarrassing it really is to have a cashier tell you that your card has been declined, I would have never said anything to those customers. I can't remember the last time I was that embarrassed, especially since I was so dumbfounded by the news! I'm sure my cashier thought I was just pretending. I wouldn't have blamed him for thinking that... I thought like that too.

But after yesterday when I found out my card was declined because of security issues and I was receiving a new one, I immediately felt terrible for all those people I had judged in the past. Even if their cards were being declined because they couldn't afford it--who cares?! Who am I to judge? Why didn't I step in like you and offer to help them? So for that, thank you! I'm grateful for your random (and pricey) act of kindness, because I'm reminded of how powerful service is. I hope that when I find someone who can't pay for their gas, I'll be as quick as you to jump in and help them-no questions asked.

It's comforting to know there are still good people out in the world--I'm ready to be one of 'em.

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Monday, June 16, 2014


But first, a first-world problem: Having so many pictures you want to share on Insta or Facebook but not wanting to be annoying, so you just settle for picking one... that was me after my marathon. I know! I know! I'm rolling my eyes, too. But isn't that what blogs are for? Acceptable picture dumps of crappy, phone-quality photos?! Indulge me.

 This marathon just seemed a lot better this time around...there were a lot less flapping bum cheeks and side-road pee-ers than I remembered, also, because I got to run it with my brother! Running is so much better with someone, especially when that someone is a sibling. I feel like I've gotten a lot closer to my brother through training and I will forever be grateful for that. It's also a plus having a hot husband waiting for you at the finish line with flowers and being your race paparazzi ;) I guess the only bad part about my marathon this year was tripping at mile 25 and scraping my knees. Oh, and miles 16-20.

I kept telling everyone after my race that I'm probably going to stick to half marathons for a little while, but now that I'm starting to heal and I've graduated from baby giraffe to senior citizen walking down the stairs, I'm gettin' that itch for another one... we'll see, though. I don't think Chris is quite ready for me to dish out another $90 to NOT sleep in on Saturdays for another 4 months...

Even if the training is long and painful, I'd still recommend running a marathon to basically anyone. It's probably one of the most challenging things I've done--physically and mentally. Not to mention one of the most rewarding. I'm not talking about the comments and praises from other people, either (I realized this weekend how awkward I am after someone congratulates me. I just kind of shrug my shoulders and say thaaaaanks in a voice 3 octaves higher than my own). I'm talking about the satisfaction that comes from accomplishing your goal, and seeing what your body is capable of. You'll seriously surprise yourself! If running a marathon isn't really your thing, I hope you find something out there that can offer you the same rewarding feeling.

Now that I've given my inspiring, thoughtful, pre-game talk (maybe it's my internship?!), I'll just leave you with some  FAQs I got this weekend:

What was your time? 4:27:13.7 (slow and steady wins the race, right?!)

Did you beat your PR? Barely, by like, 7 seconds! I'm blaming my inappropriate relationship with Dr. Pepper for that one + not being able to go potty before, during, or after the race (TMI?)

Are you sore? YES YES YES. Not as bad today, though.

How early did you have to wake up? 2:45 am

Are the last 6 miles really the hardest? I didn't think so. For me, it really was miles 16-20. Mile 21 is where I got to see Chris and my family and that really pumped me up and helped me keep going + there were Otter Pops at mile 23.

Do you want to do another marathon? Absolutely! I'm just not sure which one or when yet...

How long did you train? Too damn long. Five months. (If anyone is interested in the training schedule I used, feel free to email me)

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Now that I've finished this humble brag post, I'm off to enjoy a big huge bowl of honey combs and an episode of Grey's Anatomy (officially hooked!) with my beloved basketball shorts and top-knot. Happy Monday, folks!

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Sunday, June 8, 2014

stuff i'm peeing my pants over

:: The Fault in Our Stars. I couldn't do what I usually do and wait for this to hit the cheap theaters... I had to see it! Even if it meant going by myself on Friday afternoon, which made me realize what a great/cheap date I am! Also, can we talk about the fact that I burst into ugly cry every time I see a cigarette or I hear the word "Okay" now?! I wonder if the movie theater guy noticed my tiger stripes of partially washed away bronzer I had left on my face after??

:: My sister is the big 2-1 today! I've realized that the older she gets, the more I become the little sister. I'm always trying to follow her around and read her diary and steal her clothes! But really, I think it's safe to say that I am the younger sister at heart, and that my sister is way cooler than me, and I just wanna be like her. Happy Birthday, Shelbs! Get ready for some Lucky 13! Also, an unmentionable source who didn't want to admit she  follows all the Kardashians on Instagram told me that you have the same birthday as Kanye West...? Congratulations?

:: My coaching internship starts tomorrow! I'll be puttin' that T-Wolf gear back on and helping out with the cross country team at Timpanogos High School! I'm so excited, but so nervous that I'm going to let slip that I love Dr. Pepper in front of the cross country children! Because everybody knows that soda is like the "he-who-must-not-be-named" of the running world. Wish me luck!

:: I'm done with Spring semester classes this week! Which means I'm done with sweaty backpack lines and procrastinating all my homework assignments and being "that girl" in the class who brings crunchy food to snack on while everyone else is trying to listen to lecture (2 hour classes are rough).

:: My marathon is on Saturday! Six days, people! SIX DAYS. Sometimes I wish I could switch to the half instead, because holy 26.2 miles... my thighs chafe (the visual! I'm sorry!) just thinking about it! Other than that I really am so excited! I will ring that PR bell at the end of the race...

:: I'm getting a new niece and a new nephew this month!!! My sister-in-laws are like the best at making beautiful babies and making me question if Chris and I are going to be the ones who have the ugly children... (I literally just knocked on wood). I'm so excited to meet them both! Like, exclamation points excited (!!!).

Happy Sunday!

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p.s. that "unmentionable source" may or may not be me...

p.p.s.'s totally me.  

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

I'm waiting for...

-another day I get out of class early
-the next time I roam through Costco with my mom and ask her Is this a better deal than Wal-Mart?! every 20 seconds
-the next time I have completely empty laundry baskets
-my nephew, Dash, to come with me to my mom's again and open the door to a ice cold diet DP from McDonald's (my mom just gets me)
-Chris to surprise me with another cupcake from Cravings 
-the day Chris will let me win in tennis (he claims he's just "keeping me humble")
-the day that I really do beat him in tennis
-my phone to start taking high quality, "blog-worthy" pics of us playing tennis
-Chris to be happy about taking said pics
-another day to procrastinate my homework assignments because there's only two weeks of Spring semester left and I'm already in summer mode
-the next time I expect to have just another typical Tuesday and realize it's one of the best days I've had in a while

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