Tuesday, June 3, 2014

I'm waiting for...

-another day I get out of class early
-the next time I roam through Costco with my mom and ask her Is this a better deal than Wal-Mart?! every 20 seconds
-the next time I have completely empty laundry baskets
-my nephew, Dash, to come with me to my mom's again and open the door to a ice cold diet DP from McDonald's (my mom just gets me)
-Chris to surprise me with another cupcake from Cravings 
-the day Chris will let me win in tennis (he claims he's just "keeping me humble")
-the day that I really do beat him in tennis
-my phone to start taking high quality, "blog-worthy" pics of us playing tennis
-Chris to be happy about taking said pics
-another day to procrastinate my homework assignments because there's only two weeks of Spring semester left and I'm already in summer mode
-the next time I expect to have just another typical Tuesday and realize it's one of the best days I've had in a while

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  1. It sounds like I need to go to Costco with your mom. Does she do guided tours?

  2. lolol everyone needs a Jelynn Sanderson in their lives! Especially when it comes to Costco tours. If you're lucky, she'll even buy you a piece of pizza and an ice cream there! :)
