Sunday, June 8, 2014

stuff i'm peeing my pants over

:: The Fault in Our Stars. I couldn't do what I usually do and wait for this to hit the cheap theaters... I had to see it! Even if it meant going by myself on Friday afternoon, which made me realize what a great/cheap date I am! Also, can we talk about the fact that I burst into ugly cry every time I see a cigarette or I hear the word "Okay" now?! I wonder if the movie theater guy noticed my tiger stripes of partially washed away bronzer I had left on my face after??

:: My sister is the big 2-1 today! I've realized that the older she gets, the more I become the little sister. I'm always trying to follow her around and read her diary and steal her clothes! But really, I think it's safe to say that I am the younger sister at heart, and that my sister is way cooler than me, and I just wanna be like her. Happy Birthday, Shelbs! Get ready for some Lucky 13! Also, an unmentionable source who didn't want to admit she  follows all the Kardashians on Instagram told me that you have the same birthday as Kanye West...? Congratulations?

:: My coaching internship starts tomorrow! I'll be puttin' that T-Wolf gear back on and helping out with the cross country team at Timpanogos High School! I'm so excited, but so nervous that I'm going to let slip that I love Dr. Pepper in front of the cross country children! Because everybody knows that soda is like the "he-who-must-not-be-named" of the running world. Wish me luck!

:: I'm done with Spring semester classes this week! Which means I'm done with sweaty backpack lines and procrastinating all my homework assignments and being "that girl" in the class who brings crunchy food to snack on while everyone else is trying to listen to lecture (2 hour classes are rough).

:: My marathon is on Saturday! Six days, people! SIX DAYS. Sometimes I wish I could switch to the half instead, because holy 26.2 miles... my thighs chafe (the visual! I'm sorry!) just thinking about it! Other than that I really am so excited! I will ring that PR bell at the end of the race...

:: I'm getting a new niece and a new nephew this month!!! My sister-in-laws are like the best at making beautiful babies and making me question if Chris and I are going to be the ones who have the ugly children... (I literally just knocked on wood). I'm so excited to meet them both! Like, exclamation points excited (!!!).

Happy Sunday!

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p.s. that "unmentionable source" may or may not be me...

p.p.s.'s totally me.  


  1. HAHAHAHA you kill me! I was thinking about your race the other day ---> sooo excited for you! AND interning with XC!!! That sounds like a blast. You just make me laugh so hard. Love reading your blog.

  2. I can't believe your marathon is this weekend! I remember the last time you ran one, you and Chris were just dating and we were crossing our fingers for you to stick around.

    You've got to tell me all about TFIOS movie! The trailers look so good. Maybe Chris and Chad can double date taking my boys laser tagging and we can get the girls in the family to go see it sometime.

    1. I was just thinking about my last marathon too... I remember Chris bought me a cute pair of shoes and Martha gave me the cutest note and a ring before my race! haha I'm hoping that was her way of trying to keep me around ;) Also, that is a GENIUS idea about Chris and Chad going on a laser tag date with the boys... I am definitely willing to go see TFIOS again! I'll even pay full price! It was so stinkin' good! We need to all go see it!!

  3. hahaha this made me laugh! i was totally the one who ate loud snacks in class too! and YAY for your coaching internship! and good luck on your marathon! I'm nervous for you! i have yet to work up the courage to do one! is this your first one? please post all about it!!
