Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Weekending!

Easter did so good this weekend. So good, that it almost made me forget that I still have three finals I need to do this week. Almost...

On Saturday we went and watched our nieces and nephews do an Easter egg hunt around my uncle Tom's mortuary. I'm pretty sure I had more fun than the kids watching them hunt for their eggs. It didn't hurt that they were all willing to share their candy with me, either. 

Today was a noteworthy Easter Sunday for two reasons: 1) We made it to church early and 2) I said the closing prayer in sacrament meeting--I'm still shaking. It was a good reminder for me that I need to grow a pair of "eggs" (since we have an Easter theme goin' here) and not be so afraid to bear my testimony in front of others. Baby steps... ;)

Chris and Joelle had some deep bonding moments this year...

After church we had a party with my mom's side of the family, which I love because you know there's always going to be so much delicious food and even more laughs. Every year when we get together for Easter, my aunt Joelle puts on an adult Easter egg hunt. These ain't your average hunts though--there's always some crazy, borderline dangerous, twist. This year, we had a three-legged race (thanks to me, since I got the idea from our Gourley Easter party the week previously!) that involved Hoola Hoops, Oreos, bubbles, and lots of running/swearing. Sidenote: If you want to evaluate your own/someone else's marriage, just do a three-legged race together--it's a great assessment tool. The egg hunt lived up to it's standard though and was so much fun! We ended up scoring two gift cards to Subway and Taco Amigo, because we haven't eaten enough this weekend already. 

I loved this Easter. Even without all the fun activities we did this weekend. Maybe it was all the #becauseofHim messages I was seeing on Instagram, but I felt like I was able to keep the true meaning of Easter in the back of my mind a lot more easily this year, and I think that made all the difference today. 

I love this holiday and all that it stands for. 

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1 comment:

  1. I swear I would rather sit in a room with my hands tied behind my back listening to chompers and breathers for hours before giving a prayer is sacrament! Props
