Thursday, April 10, 2014

It's 3 in the morning... naturally, I'm Facebook stalking myself. Usually while I'm stalking, I find myself thinking things like, Man, I was so skinny back then... R.I.P. fast metabolism, or Did I really put that as my caption? (ArE CaPtIoNs LiKe ThIs cOoL AnYmOrE?!?), but today (tonight?) the only thing I kept thinking as I scrolled through every photo album of mine--like the true narcissist that I am--was holy crap! Are my eyebrows really that unpredictable?! I was cringing the whole time and seriously questioning how I got Chris to marry me. Bless him.

Fun fact: Shayli is a plucker. Shayli LOVES to pluck anything and everything that is possible to pluck (Why am I speaking in third person? I don't even know. I'll be sure to put a dollar in the DB jar later), even if it's on someone else's body. Again, bless you, Chris. Anyway, the plucking started in junior high, which is fitting, since the awkwardness of my ever-changing eyebrows is comparable to the awkwardness that accompanies the junior high years of life.

So without further adieu, I give you the evolution of my eyebrows + my many, many duckfaces (I'll be sure to put another dollar in the jar).

^^I got my duckface from my dad?

All this cringing has made me tired....I guess it's time to climb into bed with the man who accepts me and my eyebrows that are just as, if not more, unpredictable as the things I cry at.

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  1. At least you dont look like bert! One day my eyebrows are going to get up and freakin crawl away haha

  2. Lets just put the ugliest pictures of Whitney up and see if she notices. Oh I hate you.

    1. Haha what are you even talking about?! Everyone is too busy staring at my struggling eyebrows!

    2. HEY NOW that picture of Rach was somethin else... it's FINE.
