Thursday, May 7, 2015

"Why do you even like running?"

The Summer of Shay has given me a lot of time to think . . .
and run and clean and go to my parent's house (truth: I'm typing this at my parent's), but let's just focus on the thinking + running part! I've realized that some of my best thoughts come while I'm on a run (I can totally stop drinking Dr. Pepper! I need to read my scriptures more...there's no excuse!). Sometimes I wonder how I'm able to even think such good thoughts while Ke$ha is playing, but somehow they still turn up! Sidenote: every time I run I make a mental note to never show anyone my running playlist. It really shouldn't even be called a running playlist, but more of a "guilty pleasure" list. I find myself judging my choices of music from time to time.

Anyway, today I was struggling so bad on my run. Like, running over a 10 min pace and could not stop mucus from leaking out of my nose/down my throat (the visual! sorry!), and I finally just asked myself  "Shay, why do you even like running?" and to my surprise, one of those "best thoughts" popped up almost immediately (while Rihanna's playing in the background):

Because I'm the most honest with myself when I'm running.

...was that the answer you were expecting me to say? Me neither! But that's what it was, and the more and more I thought about it on my run, the more I loved that reason, because it is so, so true. You become so vulnerable when you're running. It's just you and yourself. No one is going to know/care if you walk, don't hit your pace, or go as far as you intended to--only YOU know what you did or didn't do... you know? I mean, I love the other parts of running too like the runner's high, races, and sense of accomplishment, but after discovering that little thought today, I'd have to say the honesty aspect of running is truly why I "like running." It's like a test for me, made by me, and then graded by me!

Anyway, if you're not a runner and you read this post, biggest of fist pumps to you! But if you are a runner (or would like to be) consider this my ad for being a running partner! Because as much as I love my trashy running playlist and my "best thoughts," I really like running with people, too! So if you're into running + discussing important topics like Bruce Jenner (please tell me you watched the interview!) or basically anything else on E!, I'm your girl!

.... but seriously.

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  1. That is SO true and I never realized it until reading this! Couldn't have said it better, I absolutely LOVE this!
    P.S. that Bruce Jenner interview was crazy! I'm still in shock and can't wait to watch the next interview with him as a woman!!

    1. Right?! I need to discuss the interview with someone! haha

  2. This is beautiful! I admire your running passion! And we know I would run with you but I am too slow… we figured that one out haha. But yes, I have been discussing Bruce Jenner so much these days!
