Thursday, May 1, 2014


making// excuses for putting off my reading for class. Um, hi! It's only the second day of class--wish me luck this semester.

cooking// lots and lots of meals that have rice... gotta love that end of the month grind. Chris hasn't been complaining, though. I swear that kid could live on fried rice.

drinking// a lot less dirty DP and a lot more water these days. Ouch! I hurt my arm patting myself on the back for that one.

reading// Divergent. Yes, I'm hoppin' on that bandwagon! But I refuse to see the movie until I've read the book.

listening to// my overplayed, two years-old, beaten-to-death running playlist. Any suggestions for good running songs?!

wanting// any and every product I see Jaclyn Hill using! Girl crush.

looking// for cute, casual, sun dresses! If I click a dress on Pinterest that has no link one more time I'mma lose it.

playing// TENNIS! This is one of my favorite things about warm weather--Chris playing tennis with me! Actually, it's more like me hitting the ball and Chris playing fetch because I'm not very good yet.

wishing// that me and Emma Stone were best friends. Please tell me you saw her lip sync battle with Jimmy Fallon?!

missing// Harry Potter. It's about that time of year to re-read them all again... :)

enjoying// marathon training with my brother. Long runs are so much better when you have someone to talk to.

looking forward to// the Tulip Festival tomorrow + the 80 degree weather this weekend.

liking// my new running shoes! + the fact that my body is no longer shrieking in pain after I run. Who knew I would love Asics so much?

excited about// camping, hiking, and all the other fun adventures that come from being married to Chris during the summer time.

needing// to decide what to do with my hair... should I stay dark or add some highlights for the summer?! (what a rough life I live...)

smelling// the flowers every morning that I run. It makes my allergies worth it + masques the smell of dog poo I try so hard not to step in.

wearing// my turquoise earrings They don't even match my outfits.That's how obsessed I am.

noticing// the zits coming in on my chin. I'm glad they're there to keep me humble, I was just having way too many good hair days in a row.

thinking// that I should really stop putting off reading for my class now.

feeling// like a room without a roof! (you're welcome for getting that song stuck in your head) fun fact: I've cried every single time I've sang that song by myself past month. It's part of what I like to call, "Shayli's April Showers"

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p.s. this prompt was stolen from the lovely, Kelli at KGilby


  1. "ouch, hurt my arm patting myself on the back!" hahah

    1. Haha! I had to. . . I just love our grandpa Walkerson teacher! :)

  2. i'm reading divergent aswell! :) The movie is unreal...the man in it is the epitome of a Rachel boy... hot damn he is so good looking. I'm convinced my nephew will look like him when he grows I'm a creep.
    I'm ready to read harry potter too. And lay at riverside everyday and attempt hiking once again this summer.

    1. Maybe we should have Harry Potter book club meetings while laying out at the pool?! ;)
