Thursday, October 24, 2013

Throwback Thursday

We took these pictures at Thanksgiving Point's Rose Festival on June 21, 2012--the day that I fell in love with Chris and didn't even know it (exactly one week later, we said "I love you" but that's a different story for a different day). I remember looking at the picture of us and being a little bummed out--two (non-intentional...I think?) photo-bombers, my purse put in one of the most awkward places I could have put it, and the fact that I still hadn't mastered the "skinny arm pose."

But looking at it now, I can see how giddy and infatuated we were with each other (still are! no past tense over here!). I remember walking around the gardens hand-in-hand and kissing whenever we got the chance. Yeah, we were one of those couples. Sorry not sorry. But in all seriousness, I remember just having this overwhelmingly peaceful feeling that whole night. It just felt...right. 

That night ended up being one of our most romantic/memorable dates ever, and what I consider to be one of the most important dates we ever went on. You see, me and Chris had decided to "take a break" that week  and agreed to not call or text each other while I figured out my situation with "my missionary" (we barely made it over a day before we caved. ha!). I'm so so grateful that night happened, because I honestly don't know if we would have ended up together without it. Plus, how can a girl say no to walking around a garden with thousands of roses AND watching Tangled outside in front of a waterfall?! ;) anybody still here reading? This turned out a little more sentimental than I intended it to be, but that's what happens when you're waiting for lives on Candy Crush and you venture deep into the archives of your phone pictures...

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  1. Love your posts Shay!! I remember Chris saying you were the one!!

    1. Thanks, Mike! :) I'm glad he chose me... I love being a Gourley!

  2. Replies
    1. TRISH! :) Okay, I need to know where your new blog is... I can't find it?

  3. This is so sweet. :) I hope to feel this someday.
